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American Apparel Pinpoint Oxford


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This one — http://store.americanapparel.net/rsacp400.html

Though at the store they also had a darker blue and no pink. The gray is a horrible shade, typical of the new shittier AA palette.

The shirt has a tidy fit if you're not very tall.


That picture isn't very illustrative I guess.

Anyway, I'm guessing it's partly copied from the Band of Outsiders cut, with a deeper shirttail hem but a similarly short overall length (which also makes me think this is more mimicry, since in-house AA design tends to be long). But then, uncharacteristic of both B/O and AA, the sizing is bizarrely huge. I am somewhere between a S and a M in their tees, and I'm guessing if I washed the XS once it'd be perfect. Only just long enough to tuck. Sizing goes down to XXS "for this unisex style," (the girls in the ads are uniformly arrayed, as they always are, for a my-boyfriends-shirt-which-I-will-fellate-you-while-wearing look). For guys I guess those ones might work for barrel-chested dwarfs.

The button-down collar is structured and at least has the appearance of resisting the thrift-store Ralph Lauren hideous roll-forward effect. The top button sits restrainedly high (maybe to encourage the target audience to undo the top three buttons instead of only two). Fabric is pretty gruesomely uncomfortable before the first wash, but whatever. Miserable construction quality, but did you think we were talking about Dries Van Noten go away already.

Fifty-four bucks. You could send it through the hot cycle every day and replace it five times for the cost of one B/O shirt. Not bad.

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You can do mtm w/ one of the online shirt makers for that much.

Really; who exactly ?

I don't know anything about Express shirts, but I find this one compares favorably to the present Uniqlo offerings. The construction is dodgier, but the collar is less flimsy and in general the structure of the shoulders and armholes looks less mass-market. And the silhouette is more flattering.

I guess one serious drawback that I did not highlight enough in the first post is that this simply wouldn't fit anyone reasonably slim and taller than about 5'11". Simply too short. But for your midget pals who go untucked it saves some tailoring I guess.

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I tried on this shirt in store this past weekend, and I had similar thoughts.

I didn't see the "dark blue" you mention, but i liked the blue, and i thought the gray wasn't very appealing. Store didn't have pink. As for the sizing, I'm a Small in their tees, and the XSmall fit very well. The way the sides taper in is very appealing. There is a huge difference between the Small and the XSmall in this shirt. I thought the sleeves were a little on the short side. The overall length seemed nice: long enough to tuck but isn't silly looking when it's untucked.

I actually really like the button placement and the way the collar looks when its buttoned all the way. It's structured and sits really well for a shirt in this price range.

In my opinion a nice shirt for the price, especially if you're like me and can't get a slim enough fit from other makes in this price range (express, H&M, etc)

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Really; who exactly ?

I don't know anything about Express shirts, but I find this one compares favorably to the present Uniqlo offerings. The construction is dodgier, but the collar is less flimsy and in general the structure of the shoulders and armholes looks less mass-market. And the silhouette is more flattering.

I guess one serious drawback that I did not highlight enough in the first post is that this simply wouldn't fit anyone reasonably slim and taller than about 5'11". Simply too short. But for your midget pals who go untucked it saves some tailoring I guess.



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I'm 5'11" and skinny as rails, and found the xxs to be too damn short overall. Don't even think about being able to do the sleeves either, they're so short. With the sleeves rolled up, it's definitely a decent shirt, except it needs one more button at the bottom. I improvised by just using the spare buttons they had attached to the shirt and added another hole.

I didn't go with the xs because I heard it was too wide, I guess I should have went to the store to try. Fuck, I'm rambling.

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Yeah, I'd be interested to hear more about these online MTM people.

I looked at the sites briefly and have reservations. For one thing though, there are no very good pictures of the finished results, and the line-drawings of the collars certainly remind me of your Stafford / Perry Ellis / department store house-brand dress shirts more than anything else. Options, sure, but mix 'n' match is not my usual approach to design . . .

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i also found the sm very big and the xs was short.

i have to take every button up shirt to a tailor and im not even rail thin(155 pounds 5'11'')

it only costs me $8-10 to take in the sides so i could never really justify spending alot on a shirt that still will not be perfect no matter how much i spend on it. you could go target/gap/h&m for $20+$10=$30 for a perfect fitting shirt. i could see spending some more cash for something thats more high quality and dressy but for an oxford that you will only have for a year or so?

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If you're going to wallow in self-loathing and buy an oxford from american apparel, I'll do you one better and suggest anyone try the in-house brand oxford at Urban. Thick cotton, the buttons don't look cheap, good untucked but long enough to be tucked unlike my Band of Outsiders shirts. Slim arms, small collar, good price (40? 50?)

I would have picked one up in classic oxford blue if I didn't have a BoO one already. Same with white -- but that didn't stop me from grabbing one anyway. I'm amassing a small collection of white oxford button downs, which is good to have for the phases where I don't want to think about dressing for a week at a time. Anyway, this is one of the good ones.

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i also found the sm very big and the xs was short.

i have to take every button up shirt to a tailor and im not even rail thin(155 pounds 5'11'')

it only costs me $8-10 to take in the sides so i could never really justify spending alot on a shirt that still will not be perfect no matter how much i spend on it. you could go target/gap/h&m for $20+$10=$30 for a perfect fitting shirt. i could see spending some more cash for something thats more high quality and dressy but for an oxford that you will only have for a year or so?

Nice oxfords last longer than a year...

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I have all but given up on buying dress shirts from retailers after I got my first tailored shirt done at a local tailor.

For a small azn guy like me, there really aren't any shirtmakers out there who make shirts that will sit just right.

You probably wont be able to get any fancy details, but in terms of fit, tailors are the way to go.

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There are a fair amount of styleforum guys who have used jantzen and online tailors pretty regularly with great success. They let you be pretty exact with what you want. You can even mail them a shirt of your own to copy so if you wanted to part with your BoO shirt for a few weeks, you could have an exact replica if you picked the material out right.

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I have all but given up on buying dress shirts from retailers after I got my first tailored shirt done at a local tailor.

For a small azn guy like me, there really aren't any shirtmakers out there who make shirts that will sit just right.

You probably wont be able to get any fancy details, but in terms of fit, tailors are the way to go.

pretty much you wont find anything that fits unless you go to the 200+ market, which i know many people are unwilling to do.

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If you're going to wallow in self-loathing and buy an oxford from american apparel, I'll do you one better and suggest anyone try the in-house brand oxford at Urban. Thick cotton, the buttons don't look cheap, good untucked but long enough to be tucked unlike my Band of Outsiders shirts. Slim arms, small collar, good price (40? 50?)

I would have picked one up in classic oxford blue if I didn't have a BoO one already. Same with white -- but that didn't stop me from grabbing one anyway. I'm amassing a small collection of white oxford button downs, which is good to have for the phases where I don't want to think about dressing for a week at a time. Anyway, this is one of the good ones.

what's the name of urban's line....link? - or do you mean the BDG?

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