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  Zubin said:
you bernard,

its called shittalking. Dont take it personal. Thats a lesson you can carry with you, every day.

i didnt even reply to you, y u double posting and mocking edc in the street fighter thread? it's just a game.. :D

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  branespload said:
i didnt even reply to you, y u double posting and mocking edc in the street fighter thread? it's just a game.. :D

it was in response to this...didnt feel like editing

  branespload said:
ok zubin. while you're stroking your dick i'll go focus on getting better
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yeah, lately been practicing the vortex, I kept fucking up my follow up. though today I've gotten clean vortex in some ranked matches. more than I ever have. it's so sick to come back with.

I crack under that cammy wakeup pressure though. I need to learn how to fight cammy.

christos, I'll try to hop on tonight. your rose is dope. I need to learn to fight her too. haven't seen many online though.

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i would like in but i cbf to wait in a lobby with so many people, it'd be great if we could organize 2 lobbies of 4 and swap around when we get bored. more playtime that way

re: cammy she puts on a lot of pressure from what ive seen so just block and try not to press too many buttons

even in her blockstrings cammy's grab range is terrible so i wouldnt worry so much on trying to OS crouch tech. and i dont think her dive kick crosses up ever either, so it shouldnt be too bad to guess

re; rose, at least christos's, bait the backdash or at least be aware of when rose needs to backdash after a special on block. chris tends to do a BNB into that dash punch thing to back dash, so if you have an option select against backdash (something like OS block, throw and sweep would be good) then learn that. forward moving specials can fuqq up the backdash too (I've read the backdash and punished w/ ultra b4), that will condition him into back jump or neutral jump (then you gotta guess)

re: ultra 2, just block and don't press buttons.. but remember it is a high low mixup as well as potential crossup, so avoid her entirely if you can. if she applies pressure just block, otherwise you'll eat satellite to soul throw (so steezy) and it's unnecessary damage.. i bet chris will be even more beastly now that he has a stick, tho, but that's what i gathered from playing him for a few matches

i am also a scrub but i try to focus on theory before execution so hopefully my advice is somewhat valid

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I was definitely anticipating crossup more than I needed to. I also always press buttons haha. it was only me and jebeebus today. zubs only fought twice. bigger lobbies don't bother me as much, but I'm down for smaller ones.

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to add^: you can beat Cammy's immediate TKCS after a regular canon strike by crouch teching with another normal added, Ryu for example would be LP+LK+MP (all three buttons at the same time), that way if I do a throw after canon strike, you tech it, or if I do another instant canon strike, Ryu's cr.MP will beat the dive kick

the normal you need to add depends on the character

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dope, thanks.

I think I need to begin reading more advanced stuff. learning my frames and such. Lately, I've gotten a better 'feel' for the game, but I don't think I'll get much better without reading up.

I also need to pay more attention to my opponent. That sounds weird, but it seems to take me twice as long to catch on to patterns and that often gets me killed in the second round.

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  Zubin said:
this game needs combo breakers a la killer instinct

edit: where do you guys go to learn about all this SSF4 theory n shit? I dont understand half the shit you guys are talkin about

this game doesn't really need combo breakers, it already has focus and ultra. its good to know if you score a combo or ultra for the KO then you deserve the win and there's no 'get out of jail free' option for your opponent.. 3rd strike and the parry system had this but that game had lots of multihit stuff so it was kinda hard to parry lol wont say much more about that (not educated enough on the matter)

as far as where to learn SSF4 theory -- watch matches, listen to commentary, talk to your opponents if you lose to them if you can, read discussion forums, etc..

some things are pretty obvious and you can learn them just from playing your opponent, other things are more advanced or more subtle that i need to look up or ask my opponent (ie i asked jebeebus how to block dive kick versus me just figuring out i can ultra rose's backdash on block, etc)

and if you find yourself losing a lot -- that means you need to make an adjustment somewhere.. if it isn't obvious why you're losing i dont know what to tell you, try asking your opponent how they downloaded u

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  jebeebus said:
haha, cammy is the only char i know how to play

ggs, that was some pretty sick ibuki pressure stuff, def needed that practice i dunno wtf with dem kunai sometimes :(

i figure u already know but the key to blocking the kunai on wakeup is to just watch her and not the kunai. watch her body when she throws it.

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