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Van She - V


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no, i like cheesy austrlian pop.

have been anticipating the record for a long while as well, and whilst more recently i had my doubts, i think they've delivered.

really feeling memory man, it could be the same (matt van schie singing?) and virgin suicide. fairly over cat & the eye, strangers, changes, kelly, etc., although i felt them initially.

this album should have been realeased 6 months ago.. fucking modular.

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i've been putting off listening to this for a bit now. i don't recall really caring for their last release, not sure if i'll make the effort for this, but maybe. seems to be getting lots of praise.

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saw them at the annandale a few months ago, this album is way overdue and wasnt sure what to expect but I think its pretty good. Kelly is sounding good even though Its been arond for ages. I always liked sex city better . The cover is pretty bad though as someone said before, looks like an inthemix photo or something.

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  savage science fiction said:
saw them at the annandale a few months ago, this album is way overdue and wasnt sure what to expect but I think its pretty good. Kelly is sounding good even though Its been arond for ages. I always liked sex city better . The cover is pretty bad though as someone said before, looks like an inthemix photo or something.

Yeah, too bad Sex City didn't make the album. I love that song.

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haha totally looks like theyve taken to using partypix as album covers. same goes with the single covers aswell.

I don't mind the fact that they reworked kelly for the album. Nice to include the song that really put them on the map.

Standout tracks for myself outside of the singles: virgin suicide, talkin, temps mort, a sharp knife.

I'm thinking of going to the forum on saturday night to see them and ladyhawke. Anyone else hitting this?

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