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WTF is up with my STFs.


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These are only like a month old or something. I barely wear em cause of this...



Since the back does that wierd fold crap, from the front it makes my hips look huge, I know I'm not the skinniest dude but mine don't really stick out like this. Like my nudies don't do this crap...Anyone else ever have this problem?

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I have the exact same problem with a pair of *gasp* AE (American Ealge Outfitters, a cheap version of Abercrombie & Fitch). I don't know why I bought them. Probably because of the $9.95 price tag on the clearence rack....

Edit: The tightness of the jeans around the waist is a contributing factor. If you look at the picture you will see that the jeans do not sit evenly around your waste. You can also tell they are a little too tight because the button in being pulled so much against the button hole. The level is lower below your belly button than it is on both sides. This pulls the fabric on the side of the jeans upwards, creating the problem.

The fabric is not falling the way it is supposed to. Wearing a smaller size is cases like this actually makes you look larger.

Was the larger size too loose? I sometimes get stuck inbetween the larger size being too loose and the smaller size being too tight. This can somtimes be solved by trying other pairs of the same jeans in the same sizes because there is variation amoungst the sizes.

Edited by 134 on Oct 14, 2005 at 06:25 PM

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