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Burberry Prorsum SS09


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  jcotteri said:
paris yo! someone get this u-p asap pleazzzz........


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  Liberation1945 said:
everything has been said so far, but yea i love baileys techy stuff and this change aint too bad either...the worn fabrics and layering make it seem as if this was a number nine and prorsum collab or somethin haha...

i agree except i would say more jill sander/raf simons

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  beberthur said:
Neil Barrett and Gucci were okay.

The androgyny here is not a big problem, it's just the hats.

No problem w/ androgyny, I just think the pairing of the low-cut top & the hats is hideous. Gucci's collection was surprisingly good. Burberry & it were pry my favorite from Milan.

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Guest Fulci

I think this could be one of the best o Bailey's collections and the most beautiful and wearable of Milan's show... The shoes I have to get them once they're on sale (hope for not more than €400) and the trousers have an incredible cut! As usual... but this one's better... The thin blue ones are trully incredible!

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Guest Fulci

I know this is against the rules but how much do normally Prorsum shoes and trousers cost? Are they absurdly expensive or just really expensive? Or are they just a bit costy? I've seen a few stuff costing somewhere way out of my league, like €1200 for a knit cardigan, but you could see it was incredibly well made (though I can't thing that anything like that should cost that). Anyway, if the shoes cost much more than €350, I won't even look at the again. Same for the trousers costing over €250. Those are my limits for any designer or brand in those two things.

But the trousers are really great. One thing Bailey does how to make is trousers. They're always beatiful!

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  Fulci said:
I know this is against the rules but how much do normally Prorsum shoes and trousers cost? Are they absurdly expensive or just really expensive? Or are they just a bit costy? I've seen a few stuff costing somewhere way out of my league, like €1200 for a knit cardigan, but you could see it was incredibly well made (though I can't thing that anything like that should cost that). Anyway, if the shoes cost much more than €350, I won't even look at the again. Same for the trousers costing over €250. Those are my limits for any designer or brand in those two things.

Trousers have usually been about $700 us (I think that's about 450 euros?) in the past seasons, not sure about the shoes. It's up to you to decide if that's absurdly expensive or just really expensive.

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Guest Fulci

$700 is the thin red line that divides the two. Anyway, I won't be paying for a pair of trousers anywhere above $350... So, not even on sale I'd buy that. Not at least as long as there are actual people really starving in the world... There's no excuse for that. Not even if Bailey's making them himself. Anyway, cool trousers!

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This whole collection is fucking fabulous. I wish the inseam on the flared leg pants were a little too short, rather than too long.. I like the look of flared pants where the inseam is a little too short.

Colors, cut and style of everything else is grrrrrrrrrreat.

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Guest CEO2008GAME

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  kbi said:

love the colours a bit dull not very avantgardistic but it all looks very wearable and comfortable . I really adore the jacket

diggin the plaid jacket lining

scrolling down, i thought it was a sweater until i stopped!

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  Doublethink said:
Nice clothes. However, I noticed the sleeve length on the coats all seem too short.

they were too short, but i mean thats clearly the intention for them to be worn with something with a longer sleeve for a diff look, which i really happened to like. whenever you wear a jacket over a great shirt, only so much of the shirt gets to be seen with the jacket on, so these shorter sleeves give these great shirts and opportunity to be shown (especially if they are coloured).


this cardigan style is so fresh

the bare chest is tight

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