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well i've been on starting strength for about 6w now and i've made some gains on it. nothing too remarkable, but i'm not willing to go up in weight anymore so i'll take what i can get. :P should i top it off at 10w, take a rest and start a new program, like starr's 5x5? thanks.

why aren't you willing to go up in weight?

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So I'm seeing if I hit my triceps hard, if they'll grow and help with bench

aka heavy pushdowns, overhead presses, etc etc

if I could offer some advice, if you're trying to help your bench via tricep exercises, I suggest the following:

- weighted dips (fucking amazing for your bench)

- close-grip bench presses

- skullcrushers

- overhead tricep extensions

I'm not a big fan of pushdowns, I always saw it as a "pump" exercise. never worked for me, but if it works for you, hey more power to ya

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Are there any books you'd recommend? I was looking at the Mark Rippetoe ones but they're hard to get in the UK. I have tried asking the trainers at my gym for advice but they usually just come up with some alternative involving the hip abductor machine and a Bosu ball...

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if I could offer some advice, if you're trying to help your bench via tricep exercises, I suggest the following:

- weighted dips (fucking amazing for your bench)

- close-grip bench presses

- skullcrushers

- overhead tricep extensions

I'm not a big fan of pushdowns, I always saw it as a "pump" exercise. never worked for me, but if it works for you, hey more power to ya

My favorite thing to do (usually) is after doing my bench workout, go use the smith machine for like 2 sets. Even w/ good form you can add a good 40lbs or so to the last set you did (if reps are like 4 or lower).

I feel like it helps w/ both sticking point (kinda what knuck seems to be wanting to eliminate w/ tri workouts) and confidence in general.

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i am small framed compared to kunk.I am at between 6-8% bodyfat at the moment.I found when i got to 180 that i looked like a caricauture.My arms were too big...threw off my proportions.My frame is just not big enough to carry more muscle without looking ridiculous

Its all about illusion..smaller framed guys can look bigger as they have smaller joints

I am limited by genetics.So i train more for symmetry and proportion

I train each body part once a week,except for body partd that i want to improve

I do a lot of supersets,drop sets and negative reps . .. ... Here's my pic xf4wlx.jpg

you look so hot in those jeans!

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floor press, 2-4 board presses, and JM presses will get your tris where you want them to be

word. floor press is legit. I do 3 board sometimes. It's kind of like the smith that i mentioned above

If you're going for strength, I generally suggest you go heavy w/ lower reps. nothing more than 6, and try to work down to like 3

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hey knucks - if you're looking increase your max bench; what leeacto does work for some people. but I've seen that for most people, a mix of max effort exercises combined with dynamic effort exercises work the best. you probably know this already, but one key factor in increase your max bench (squat and deadlifts), is to increase your speed. that's what dynamic effort exercises help with. look up the westwide barbell routine and it should give you some insight.

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Sup meatheads? Okay, here's the deal:

I have recently lost about 20 pounds in the last 2 months. I am currently 5'9" and around 140-143 pounds. I am starting to get closer to my ideal body type, and was wondering what else I should add, if anything, to my routine. Mind you, I am a mesomorph (if you believe in the 3 body-type shit), and naturally have large shoulders, chest, arms and a small waist (28inches). I like this. I don't have a desire to become "SuFu" skinny (no hate), but I do want to lower my body fat and lean out my muscles.

I'm basically working on getting my lower abs in shape because this is currently the most stubborn part of my body. My chest and shoulders (in my opinion) are starting to look really good. My chest could use a bit more work, but it's well on the way. My upper abs are noticable, and middle abs are starting to push through. My lower abs still have a small layer of fat on them, but once I start my HIIT training, I'm hoping for that to go away.

I have a fairly strict diet. I drink roughly 4 liters of water a day, and besides that, I only drink green tea (with nothing added to it). I eat all-bran cereal with skim milk and fresh blue/strawberries in the morning. I have a fiber bar or an apple+raw almonds 2-3 hours later. For lunch I eat a fat-free turkey sandwich on whole wheat, usually with baby spinach salad with a balsamic vinegerette. I eat another fiber bar or apple+raw almonds 2 hours later, and then for dinner I have either another turkey sandwich, chicken breast w/ vegetables/brown rice or whole grain pasta with chicken breast in it with a side of salad or assorted veg. For desert I always have a fat-free yogurt parfait. Half yogurt, half cottage cheese with organic granola and fresh blueberries/strawberries.

I am also starting to incorporate whey protein drinks into my diet. I just picked up some stuff today that has 35grams of protein per 40 gram serving. 130 calories, 1 gram of fat, and 2 grams of carbs. When is the best time to drink this? I hear 1 before and after a work out, and like half of one before bed, and when you wake up.

I have been told I have a very feminine diet, and I agree completely. Once I hit my goals though, my diet will loosen up a bit. I currently have 1-2 cheat meals a week.

I usually run 5km (roughly 3 miles) 6 nights a week. I have sustained a foot injury however, and havent been able to do this for about 8-9 days now. There was a thunderstorm and I didn't want to run in it, so I used some shitty wal-mart elliptical I had in my garage, and I fucked something up in my foot. The top of my foot has been hurting since, and if it isn't healed within the next 2 days, I plan on seeing a doctor. I also do skipping for cardio.

I do pushups, various ab exercises (bicycles crunches, regular crunches, reverse crunches, leg lifts etc), squats, lunges, and bicep curls and other shit using resistence bands. I plan on starting up some light weight training aswell to help boost my metabolism and build lean muscle. I am currently working 2 jobs and can only really find time to work out at home at night (10pm during the week, 8ish on weekends), and that is why I haven't been doing weight training.

I do plan on incorporating HIIT training aswell. Most likely 2-3 times a week instead of my medium paced long runs.

I would like to know your input, and ways I can improve on everything. At first, I was doing this stuff to lose weight, but now I see it is all part of living a healthy lifestyle. I'm very dedicated, and will take anything you guys say into consideration. Thank you in advance :)

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90% of the questions on here garner the same answer. eat more. don't be afraid to incorporate some more good fats into your diet, i.e., avocado, nuts, Olive oil.

there is no such thing as a feminine diet but the biggest roadblock to gaining more muscle, lean muscle, et al.,. i am guilty of this myself.

think 5-6 meals.

for example:

2-3 eggs, cup of oatmeal and berries

1 protein shake that's to your liking

turkey sandwich or chicken breast with a salad and veg

another shake

4-6 oz. steak, chicken, fish with veg and since you're skinny, i'd add a yam or baked potato or a cup of rice

1 more shake if you're so inclined

drink water, tea, a couple of cups of coffee if you like. if you love soda, have 1 or 2 a week-life is too short. same goes for ice cream.

this would be a good start and not a huge lifestyle overhaul.

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Sounds great Kunk, thank you very much for the advice. I guess I am getting thinner, but there are still parts of my body that I'm really not happy with. My lower abs have fat, and I believe my hips and thighs look out of proportion because they are too large. I'm probably just being impatient though. I've only really been doing this for 2 months, and the first little while I was far more lenient in terms of diet and exercise. I'm still pretty young (21), and I'm very determined to get rid of the fat on my lower stomach. Once I do hit that goal though, my diet will be a bit more relaxed.

Edit: Perhaps having the week+ of little to no cardio is helping me. After running almost every night for 2 months and then suddenly not running at all makes me feel like shit though. I do web design for one job, and I work at Cinnabon for my second job (trying to pay off student loans before the interest kills me...). At my web design job, I always feel the need to do wall-sits and pushups and shit in the office when a client pisses me off on Skype (this happens often), and at my other job, I offer to take out garbage, do dishes and mopping (even though I'm an assistant manager and can tell others to do it instead) just because I feel I need to burn the calories, haha.

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I was doing research in some weight lifting exercises I should start doing once I get time to hit the gym and found this as a result:

I didn't watch the entire video, but I'm guessing this shit is right up Kunk's alley! I know it has motivated me to start deadlifting :)

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yeah, deadlifts are why i walk like i'm 60 most days of the week, but that kind of lifting is what builds your foundation.

far as problem areas, you can't really spot reduce-you need to change overall body composition. i have little love handles that have varied in size over the years but never completely left my side (no pun).

genetics play a big role. i'll bet your mom or dad or siblings have issues with the same areas, no\?

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Dear supermeatheads, I have read through the last couple pages and half the things you guys say about weights, or types of lifting I really don't get. Is there any websites that you guys recommend I take a look at so I can get the whole workout lingo? I've been going to the gym 3-4 times a week to bench and most of the time, I just copy what other people are doing. What can I do to get a bigger chest, and toned overall without taking like substances and stuff? My friend said dead lifts works the best, but I don't even think I know what that is.

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Actually, my Mom and Dad are both in good shape, especially for their age. Neither of them drive, so they walk a lot. The only reason I was out of shape is because I had reallllly shitty eating habits and a sedentary lifestyle. I used to do a lot of x-country running and track and field in my younger years (up until grade 9), and played rugby and football in grade 9 and 10. After that, I don't really know what happened. My eating consisted of full bags of potato chips, 2 liters of soda, corn pops, and other shitty foods. On top of that, I stopped playing sports (not sure why), didn't exercise at all (or very little at most), and I stopped growing. I sat on my computer all day playing warcraft 3 and starcraft and shit.

I'm extremely suprised that I was only 160ish. I think my natural metabolism and my body type helped me out a lot. I can hold on to muscle really well, and I was actually quite muscular for someone with my lifestyle...

Edit: I think being active in my earlier years helped me lose weight now because I still had really good cardio. I was able to run long distances and all that good stuff. I think the most important part to weight loss is really the mindset and determination. I started off slow, but once I got into it, I loved it.

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yeah diet is key. abs are made in the kitchen, not in the gym.


what kunk said but watch your sugar intake. sugar will get you fat and jack up your metabolism. cut out milk,cereal, bran bars, and even excessive fruit. if your a skinny dude than it might not make a difference but sugar is bad. fat is ok. keep your carbs in check and dig for info man.

a body builder forums guide to bulking, cutting and maintenence. backtrack on the forum for all kinds of info.


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