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is there any interest in an indie clothing company?


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I've been running squareDOT softgoods out of my room for a few years now and I was wondering what the interest would be here on superfuture. We're almost entirely hand made products, no tags or labels, just good clothing from good people.

I've got a line of hoodies about to drop, 1 of 10 so there aren't many, there never are, and I was just curious if anyone was interested. Our previous clentelle has been mainly designers and fashionatistas as we tend to cater to those who want "the newest hottest rarest underground-est" line, which is exactly what we are, but we intend on staying that way, noone from nowhere with nothing to loose.

feel free to pm me, and let me know your ideas on lines with super small runs, indie companies, and the like.

I've mentioned stuff on here before, when I very first signed up, but kept my mouth quiet as I found a few more buyers from the site and wanted to stay hush hush, but if there is an interest I might start offering it to people on the forum who would appreciate it.

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yeah as soon as I made this thread I realized i needed pics.. and my stupid digital camera is broken.

give me a day to come up with stuff, again it's not even a company really, just me and some fabrics and adobe illustrator.

email me at [email protected] and i'll hit you back with some info as soon as I get my jazz togeather, like that I rock mostly my own stuff and have some more stuff dropping soon.. hoodies are almost done and i'm doing a winter/fall hat i think, depends on how i feel about it..

but yeah.. [email protected]

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