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fuck man i can't decide whether or not to cut my hair shorter

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Do it leonard. I've only seen you with that long hair. Just mix it up. It grows back

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He don't have to shave it all off. His hair is long and kinda shapeless (i guess round is a shape) now. Won't take that much longer to get it back to that.

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allow me to weigh in and say this thread certainly earnt its one star rating leonard.

how recent is that photo?

i say either keep it like that (looks good on you), or go really really short....maybe do something a little edgy with it.

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Guest jeffvyain

leonard, keep it growing. layer it up soon, so it's not bowlish.

struggling with the same scenario here actually. i am getting a lot of pressure at my job to cut my hair short and/or neat. can still have hair that can be long, but it has to be clean... don't know if that's possible... suggestions?


most recent pic

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