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i-cii new address?


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uh... the store is actually INSIDE hazelton lanes and not outside anywhere to be seen.

Quote: I could be wrong but i think the yorkville store's gone..when i pass from the road, all i can see is artwork...makes me feel like an art gallery has taken over...

i KNOW YOU, and you know me,

it's the SOB story, the SOB story...


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i-cii sells shit like margiela, a lot of comme de garcon both men and women and the cologne. they specialize in a lot of japanese and european decontructive clothing brands. they may however not carry the above items anymore at this new location.

tnt is inside the hazelton lanes mall where that expensive supermarket is. they also had two stores on eglington at avenue road but no more.

let us know when icii is opening up again and where as well.

the eclipse is nigh

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$200 t-shirts..aaahahahahaha *stifles laughter*

OK, I guess I'm not going to bother going. I bet the stuff is nice, but it's kinda pointless when you have no hope of ever buying anything in the store. icon_smile_blackeye.gif

Edited by minya on Oct 19, 2005 at 11:34 AM

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yah man...pretty much...even when it was in its old location, i'd only pass in there in the very rare occasion...i couldn't even consider buying anything there....

that being said, apparently during their closing sale, they had some stuff going for cheap (cheap being relative of course)...oh well, missed the boat on that one...

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Guest Fade to Black

Went to check out i-cii a few days ago...pretty cool selection of Undercover and Number (N)ine, although the prices are a lot higher than i expected. The distressed 'skull' denim from UC was like $1017, which I was quite shocked by considering they cost the same as a pair of Dior orange overdyes in Hong Kong (which isn't cheap, but still....) I didn't do the conversions on a calculator, but i thought that prices at i-cii were a bit cheaper than what you pay for these brands in NYC at stores like Jeffrey, Atelier, etc.

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Guest Fade to Black

yeah that is pretty fucking ridiculous. And the crazy thing is, I don't think that's even the most expensive jeans of the collection. There's a pair of skinny black jeans w/ holes all over the legs that's over $1000, and i think the '68' denim with overdone exposed threads is also well over a G.

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see - that's the really weird thing.

I asked the owner if he'd ever considered bringing in more japanese denim since he seemed to have a hookup (or at least knowledge of) in the japanese market to be carrying undercover and neighbourhood and he basically told me that he doesn't give a shit about jeans (his words, not mine) and how ppl in Canada are willing to pay $300 for jeans but not more than that...and how japanese denim would start at $600 (looking at prices online, i'm not sure i entirely agree)...

so wtf is he carrying $1000+ jeans and who's buying this stuff?

i can only assume it's ppl who have money (duh!) but who are just buying a look rather than actually knowing the label they're buying....

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the most expensive denim from undercover will definitely cost you 2000+. i-cii did not get it in. cuz whos gonna buy it? but still, that denim is f*cking amazing.

undercover and n(n) have 60+ accounts all over the world. i-cii is the one of them. I know how canadian custom charges for import stuff. so price in i-cii is not that bad. (dont compare with the price in japan.)

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