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Classic Video Game Thread


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  Chicken said:
speaking of classics, this one is like the MGB of video games. (actually, i don't even know if it counts as a video game.)


damn. had a couple of the nintendo produced ones. there was one where a plane dropped guys from the sky and you had to catch them. then another similar one where people were jumping from a burning building. i'd play for hours.

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  Ichigo100% said:

A game doesnt nessecarily have to be considered a classic based off of its status or it's sheer gameplay. I personally considered those classics because of the way they incorporated great character and level design and witty storylines.

For their time, they were classic games in my eye, JSRF was and still is an instant classic for its time because it's design was superior to other titles that were out at the time. Cell shading in a 3d like world was unheard of. It was really based on the art form more so than the gameplay that captured my attention.

Perhaps my perspective on games are entirely different but that's acceptable so no worries

Fair enough. I just thoroughly disliked the games and was more impressed at later cell-shaded games that came out, but you're right that JSRF was one of the first and most intuitive cell based games. Started that trend.

I did play it on Dreamcast once and I remember it being easier to handle than other consoles.

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Dreamcast was a treasure that will always have a place in every true gamer's heart. It was the first system to develop online multiplayer, and it was the only system I can recall that had a small screen on the controller to play mini games and shit, only now are current gaming giants looking back at that shit..

Personally Imho, if sega had not been apart of this gaming universe, shit would not be the same.. Nintendo and Sega hands down are the best of the best to this very day. Innovation at its finest.

Enough talk, time to bring out the classic dreamcast games







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i did not see this one in this thread

i don't know how this has not been posted yet


^this game is so amazing.

and these two, although there have been remakes, they were hella fun. keep it og



^not sure if i'd call this a classic, but a really fun game regardless

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  jeepster said:

Jet Grind Radio just always pissed me off.

Gonna have to disagree with you on this one man. Jet Grind Radio was one of my favorite games for the DC. I tried to replay it again over the summer, but it seems that you can't have two single player save files on the same VMU which doesn't make any sense, my only complaint about the game.

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  jeepster said:
It was really the character designs. They looked retarded, no ifs, ands, or buts. Everything else about the game was pretty genius.

But seriously, I need to start playing Secret of Mana again... that is in a three-way tie for best ever with Chrono Trigger/FFIII (VI)

Your list + plus probably earthbound was my life when i was younger. I still replayed for the millionth time not long ago. I was always dissapointed that none of my friends were really into rpgs because playing secret of mana with extra controllers would've been fun.

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One of the OG best of the best. The first US CD system, and really just a amazing romp. i think it was 2 cd's too! i miss this system and feel bad that it got lost in my life a few years ago when i lost a storage space due to stupidity. When it ended, and the song had CD quality singining in it, god, i cant tell you how nice it was to hear back in that era before we were all spoiled rotton with what people can do on these machines now.

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  AstroWolf said:

One of the OG best of the best. The first US CD system, and really just a amazing romp. i think it was 2 cd's too! i miss this system and feel bad that it got lost in my life a few years ago when i lost a storage space due to stupidity. When it ended, and the song had CD quality singining in it, god, i cant tell you how nice it was to hear back in that era before we were all spoiled rotton with what people can do on these machines now.

  AstroWolf said:
One of the best that no one has mentioned.



oh fuck.. YES, Astrowolf. i loved these games.

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Guest what job

man there was this one game on Sega Genesis or Saturn that I used to play with my dad

it was a classic beat em up, multiplayer and the one thing I remember most was that when you ate chicken you regained health

anyone know?


I believe you could play as a black guy, too

edit: it was Streets of Rage

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