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Unban Ftb2


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right now i feel like i've lost all direction in my life...lost my mojo so to speak.

i feel like i really need to get out of where I am, cut off everything that is giving me this safety net which is making me so comfortably numb...and start a whole new life and build a new identity for myself.

i've always been fascinated with disappearing...like one day just gone, without having to look back. Unfortunately I don't have the courage or strength to follow through with it in a productive manner. (note: to people who take this as a suicide note, it's not...i don't mean dying, just going somewhere else and starting fresh without anyone knowing who i am)

Man this must be the lowest point in my life...

my response:

bold - well put, bold statement.

underlined - irrelevent/not required to get point across. merely ranting.

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thanks Analog

i got stranded internetless for awhile in milwaukee when my brake pads wore out and started eating through my rotors

fade to black, you were one of the most interesting posters on here, unapologetically intellectual in your mode of dress and in your day to day life. appeal to your rationality. my advice is to pick up a weed habit to help obliterate the negative vibes. fuck SSRIs.

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