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Need your music skillz


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Heyo. I'm in this ipod battle this friday at my school, and I need some help with some killa azz traxxx. The crowd is 18yo semi-hipsters.. Im looking for songs in the likes of bomfunk mc's -freestyler, Van Halen - jump, Elton John - Im still standing, justice and stuff like that. So basically, old school hits or stuff people can go wild to... Suggestions bitches!

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you go to school with semi-hipsters/jerks?

download any album listed on metacritic's top 10 of any year

den play doze frosh traxxx atchyo highskool "ipod-battle" (a curious, technologically exclusionary ceremony if ive ever heard one), den u win battle, den u dance ironikly w/frienz n dence witdat gurl u been tryin 2 freak 4 yearz but she dont rly like u dat way n hav awkward talk bout it l8er @ denny'z whn prom b ovr

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den nroll at 2nd choise uni cuz NYU turned u down, nxt u find out ur gay whn u sleepw/dormmate den move out kuz shit b awk as fuck... u superpolice +++vibskov, ape77 n cre8ive recr8shun

after dat, u try coke 4 first tyme @party in ur artist frienz loft n iz not as bad az police told u but u stick 2 da reef cuz shwagg all u can ufford after u start koppin da lavins

midlyfe crices lead 2 vintage harley davidson kop n u hav trubl tellin ur kids boutchyo lyfe how u b livvin lie w/dey moms. u split n visit ex-boyfrien who dun lyke u no more n u hit road lookin fo yo-self in all da wrong places. u fnd ur tru identity n den rite memoir

nu york times give u harsh but akkurate reviu say it doan contribyute nothin new 2 genre but flass anglels times say it "scintillating" at tymes but u dont kare wut dey hav 2 say cuz dey also said new chricton novel wuz real "page-turner" n nu safran foer novel b "revalatory" n "obsessively original" but u think he rly just obsessed w/hisself

den u die

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noggro u'ontevenknow who safran foer b or wut scintillating means

i mean, if youre looking for anything in a more dance-y contemporary realm that has more of a universal pop appeal (especially among 18yo semi-hipster) try junior boys, the knife, the rapture, daft punk

for "old school", rifle through the discography of depeche mode, devo, kraftwerk, maybe if you want to throw any hip-hop in there goodie mob (they might recognize a particular someone's voice), outkast circa playalistic, ugk, beastie boys, vanilla ice (so you can feed that hipster irony habit), and theres a killer track out from nicholas renshaw you can use as your last song

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i completely was expecting a different topic, about music skills. i was gonna come in to talk about how i played french horn in high school, and how i was fairly skilled at it, disappointied its not.

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For God's sake, include "Your Love" by The Outfield, "Freaks Come Out at Night" by Whodini, and "Genius of Love" by Tom Tom Club.


what is an iPod Battle...

Put on some shit from Italians do it better...

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