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Mr Waffles

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i got a paper due soon about"Sir Gawain and the Green Knight". We have to define Courtly Love as well as analyze it's presence in the actions.

also:::: The prof. has a kind of dry sense of humor so i usually throw some funny line or something in it. references to monty python and such.

bonus rep if someone can include a comparison to a journey song.

this is serious.

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Oh also, if anyone here has an essay written already on

- The effect the Taiping Rebellion had on the local elites of the late Qing (7-10 pg)

- A comparison between Robert Browning's "My Last Duchess" and Aphra Behn's "The Disappointment". In particular, themes of the representation of the male/female dichotomy in the literature or something about feminism. (6-8pg)

Didn't mean to thread jack, but I'm pretty desperate as both of these essays are overdue.

P.S. MLA format if possible.

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you're cool dwight

im just fishing for ideas/structure because im yaked (sp) up and am loving adult swin and superfuture and do not want to organise constructive thought.

squidbillies comes on in like 20 minutes, then frisky dingo. I cannnnnnnot lose.

buy buy buy......sell sell sell

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Critical Analysis of A Courtney Love Story

A Country Love Story presents the destruction of an earthly heaven by the “word†that created it.

The story concentrates upon a couple that moved to the countryside to find their peace, peace recommended by doctor Tellenbach especially for Daniel who was in a sanatorium for a year. It is a kind of withdrawal in a peaceful word in which only good things are expected to happen. But in lie nothing happens, as we would expect it. Everything is turned upside down by dsetiny, fate that is unknown to us. This happens in our story, too.

The main ideas of the story are built on a series of contradictions (man ~ female, past ~ present, reality ~ imagination, nature ~ human nature) that occur in the life of Daniel and May at a moment when their marriage suffers a break caused by a limit situation.

The main conflict emerges from these contradictions that center on the “wordâ€, that created the world and gathered people, but meanwhile, it is capable to separate them. This statement is valid in our case too. The first strange thing that May noticed is that “they were silent too much of the time†and “their silence was often nettlesome to herâ€. Silence is an equivalent of the lack of communication that destroys the unity of a couple. Each of them has another aim in life. We are told that the “raison d’ecirctre†for Daniel is to write a book, that is to express his scientific ideas by means of words while May tries to use words to communicate with her husband. But Daniel’s leaving her without words thrown her into a world of silence, guilt, and anxiety, a world of imagination.

At the beginning of their journey, we can identify in Daniel and May the primordial couple. When they bought the new house, their marriage flourished; they shared everything: ideas, charming sights, love and even the house. It was for them like a second honeymoon. In fact, they had a mmon aim: to mend the house. Eventually, winter came and “the major works of the house were to be postponedâ€. Having no more the mutual aim, Daniel estranged from May. This freeze of their relationship freezes Time for May in a way predicted by Doctor Tellenbach’s words: “a long illness removes a thoughtful man from his fellow beings. It is like living with an exacting mistress who is not content with half a man’s attention, but must claim it allâ€.

The couple undergoes a transformation caused by the lack of communication between Daniel and May. We may say that they falldown from the earthly heaven and this fall reminds us of the destructive power of theWord.

Another contradiction is set up between the real world of the characters and their inner perspectives.

Being in the countryside, we expect characters to find their tranquility and peace, to understand each other and to be happy, asopposed to the stress and rush of the city life that would probably tear away their marriage. But things do not work like this. Although being in the countryside, their relation is tensioned and harmonious. They always have verbal quarrels and cannot understand each other.

A Country Love Story presents us the stream of consciousness. Being neglected, May finds escape in her imagination and tries to find her lost happiness. The reader must reflect on the strangeness of the title that was supposed to express the idea of a happy couple who lives the most beautiful days of their lives in romantic scenery in the countryside.

May’s suffering derives from the fact that she believed in her marriage and its security: “the look of her husband frightened her and she remembered the Doctor’s wordsâ€. The story deals with different types of conflict: on one hand, the external conflict between the characters (Tellenbach ~ May, Daniel ~ May) and, on the other hand, the inner conflict in May’s consciousness (May’s feeling of guilt). The latter is developed to a greater extent because it refers to thoughts that are not so easy to express. In fact, the external conflict that starts with loneliness: “I have nothing to do! I got sick!†leads to a psychological one, which is deeper and thoroughly presented.

Characters are both flat and round. They are presented either by their behaviour or by their thoughts. Hence, we know that May is sensitive, generous and full of life. In Boston she frequented concerts, recitals; she did good deeds for cripple children and she even tried to cure the soul of her husband buyding him presents “to lighten his tediumâ€.

Having given up her city life, now sheaaaa became to long for it. Her behaviour has a well-defined reason: an insolent and insensitive person, who is absorbed by his book, that is her narrow-minded and selfish husband forced her to try to escape reality.

The story presents May’s evolution that makes her desire another life. Thus she retreats in a sleep, but she wants “to push away the obuse sleep as if it was a doorâ€. Actually, the sleep is a door for the words of reverie and dream. However she doesn’t find this world good enough to cure her soul. May shifts her mind towards another world, the world correlated with the sleigh.

The sleigh, the leit-motif of the story, helps her make a digression in the past. The more the conflict between Daniel andad May develops, the less her interest in everything around her becomes. She realized that love - “the very center of their beings overgrew invisibleâ€. The house became their common enemy, bringing disaster to them. “The scholarship and the illness of Daniel usurped her place in his life.†Her only thought focuses on the sleigh and on the smell of the barn that are the main symbolic elements of the story. She correlates the sleigh with the past and the happiness of this past "“here must have been much life within this house once – but long agoâ€.

At the beginning the sleigh was a picturesque detail, but gradually it became a distracting obsession for both of them. At the beginning they wanted to remove thin obsession, but they did nothing about it. “it seemed a part of the yard … as the treesâ€.

As time passed, the sleigh was regarded differently by Daniel and May. Daniel found it a whimsical, irrelevant thing, while May thought that the sleigh should be the subject of their communication. In fact, she wanted to reestablish the communication between them, but she found that it was no use doing it.

There can be done a certain comparison between Pavlov’s theory of instincts and May’s reaction when seeing the sleigh or smelling the scent of the barn. Every time she went out to the barn for firewood, she felt a certain smell that reminded her of the love she nourished towards her husband. She may have wanted to re-light the fire of their love.

Another interesting idea is that of the juxtaposition of the woods. The wood of elm being in juxtaposition with the wood of the sleigh connects present to past and reminds her of their passionate life.

Another “coincidentia opositorum†is that the pattern of human development does not always work as the pattern of natural cycle of rebirth – death. Although in winter the nature is dead or is waiting for a new revival, in May’s inner world things are reversed. It was winter but May felt a certain stirring of life within herself and meanwhile she had no wish for the spring to come. She had no wish for anything beautiful in life, like planting the garden, seeing the sea, seeing children, etc. she wants to stop Time, as Faust did.

May felt herself guilty. First, because her marriage was on the point of destruction, and second, for having found herself an imaginary lover. Actually she imagined an alter ego of her husband, a man with costly clothes, with urbane and anticipatory manners, a man whom she can complain about her problems, a man from the past who is supposed to bring her happiness. She began feeling herself guilty of betraying her husband. “She lived with her daily dishonour, ashamed, stubbornly clinging to her secretâ€. This is the way she nursed her wounds.

In what Daniel is concerned, he is right the opposite of his wife. He is reasonable, resolute, rude, and insensitive. He is characterized through hid deeds and through the ideas that May has about him. Heee accused May of doing something, but he did not look into a mirror.

The setting is not chosen at random. Everything happens during one year, but the crisis covers only the winter. The masses of snow symbolize the cold distance that separates them also, the “whiteâ€, suppo0sed to bring calmness and warmth in their relationship becomes either as white as the sheet of paper on which Daniel would write his thoughts, or as white as the immaculate space in which May would find her loneliness.

The house with the pitfalls symbolizes the condition of their marriage, the gap that makes us see the difference between appearance and reality. It is worth noticing that they did not manage to mend their house and neither their marriage.

The story is written in the third person narrative, which means that the narrator provides us the story, by standing behind the curtain, thus giving us the possibility of interpreting the story from our point of view. The narra..... IM DONE MAN

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any thoughts on my 'international relations:theories and applications' assignment please..

Q:‘While economics and culture appear to be ever more closely interconnected, politics appears to be increasingly fragmented.’ Is this a reasonable assessment of contemporary conditions and can theories of globalization accommodate these seemingly contradictory tendencies?

4000 words

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  • 2 years later...
Kk Ill help you.

Can someone help me with my ultra easy programming assignment? I will pay you to do this for me.

i'm writing code now

throw that sucka up

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  • 6 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

so, i have a debate on "why school's should NOT teach intelligent design (creationism) along side biology (evolution)." I actually do believe that schools SHOULD teach creationism..but i got stuck with this fucking topic..i seriously have no clue what to say/write since i am religious...i'm fucked....please help me... :(

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so, i have a debate on "why school's should NOT teach intelligent design (creationism) along side biology (evolution)." I actually do believe that schools SHOULD teach creationism..but i got stuck with this fucking topic..i seriously have no clue what to say/write since i am religious...i'm fucked....please help me... :(

Debate frequently requires you to defend positions with which you personally disagree. Whoever mentioned dover has a good point, and also look up the scopes monkey trial.

Typically the issue is not that creationism be taught but rather that it be taught in SCIENCE class, if that helps at all...

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