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Paying for College


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So, my sister got into NYU and she screamed our house's roof off. This could be a great thread for people to share your college tuition horror stories (or miracles) since it's that time of year.

Specifically I would like to hear from people who are funding out-of-state tuitions and such, because I don't want my sister to go end up at a community college or go to any in-state colleges. Not that there's anything wrong with it in general but it's already been covered in my family and I want her to have a new experience... well, basically I wanna help her get the experience she wants, which is NYU... she'd even rather go there than Harvard ::shrug::

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I just got out of school 9 months ago and after that 6 mo grace period, paying for school sucks, and I went to a cheap in state school! I guess I just need to move to a big city and get a good job soon!

But on the other hand, college is great and your first big real experience, so go big, NYU would be awsome, don't think you can turn that down!

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i cant get financial aid cuz they think my family is wealthy based on a few things, but were really not. Were far from it. Its really annoying.... you would think they could do a better job of analyzing each case.

the system needs to be changed... even some rich kids are forced to pay for college on their own (parents wont give them the money) and they cant get financial aid because of their parents. Doesnt make sense. Not to mention... why would i or anyone with a really rich family go through the trouble of applying for financial aid when i didnt need it.

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I went to JC, so cant help you. But when I tranfered to a state I just took out hella loans and got my parents to pay for other shit, got a job when I could...ect. Just tell her to get a part time job.

Again I had to work a lot and take a class here and there so I coulfdn't go to a state till I was 22(now). Wish I had the money when I was younger though.

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i cant get financial aid cuz they think my family is wealthy based on a few things, but were really not. Were far from it. Its really annoying.... you would think they could do a better job of analyzing each case.

the system needs to be changed... even some rich kids are forced to pay for college on their own (parents wont give them the money) and they cant get financial aid because of their parents. Doesnt make sense. Not to mention... why would i or anyone with a really rich family go through the trouble of applying for financial aid when i didnt need it.

Why aren't these people filing as an idependent from their parents? Or do their parents pay for everything BUT college...lol

And rich people would file for loans cause they are cheap fucks who would love to make their kids pay later in life

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Thing is though if you file independent then A) your parents cant claim you on their taxes and B) you are no longer covered by their health insurance/dental... so if you get into a serious accident or get critically ill its basically your ass

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Why aren't these people filing as an idependent from their parents? Or do their parents pay for everything BUT college...lol

doesnt matter, u have to add parents. The only way u are able to exclude parents is if u dont have them. I am pretty sure of this but plz inform if u think im wrong.

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Full time student = free health

pff, why would you care that your parents couldn't get a tax return from you at this point if their stingy ass is not paying for your education.

It's just wierd to me, I had family members throwin all kinds of shit at me just to get me into a state, yet these other parents wont give their kids a dime? Yet let thim live with them/eat/clothes....? I don't get it:confused:

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I'm lucky my parents feel that education is the parent's responsability. They have 20,000 set up just for my education and then my dad works at the university I'm going to so I get free tuition till I'm 25. I just gotta pay taxes on the tuition.

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full time student does not always equal free health. @ Univ. of California it is included (and can be excluded) in your tuition.

Serge, that is pimp. When I was working @ UCLA I thought so many times how fucked up it was that I could probably have enough cheap health coverage and education for my children if I were to start a family... but wouldn't be earning enough to buy food for them hahaha.

But seriously that is a good point to bring up: work for a university as staff. It usually comes with the benefit of your kid getting free tuition.

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Have her fill out the FAFSA from and start scouring for scholarships, loans, grants, whatever she can her hands on, its gonna be crazy expensive.

Students at NYU graduate with one of the largest debts in the country.

Nissin Cup of Noodle is gonna be her breakfast lunch and dinner

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Speaking from deeply personal experience, filing independently of your parents is in no way enough to exclude you from submitting their information when you fill out the FAFSA. I've filed independently for the last three years, and this semester I talked to three separate people in the student financial aid department at my college and every one of them told me that without absurdly exceptional circumstances (instances of abuse, etc), there's NOTHING you can do to leave your parents out of it excep ift:

They're dead

You're a veteran

You're married

You have a child

I think there's one more, but I can't remember it.

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Speaking from deeply personal experience, filing independently of your parents is in no way enough to exclude you from submitting their information when you fill out the FAFSA. I've filed independently for the last three years, and this semester I talked to three separate people in the student financial aid department at my college and every one of them told me that without absurdly exceptional circumstances (instances of abuse, etc), there's NOTHING you can do to leave your parents out of it excep ift:

They're dead

You're a veteran

You're married

You have a child

I think there's one more, but I can't remember it.

24 and above or 25 and above... forgot which

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fafsa is the way to go..

and independent im not sure but they may or may not give you money wehre as if you do meet the requirements of the fafsa, you're guaranteed loans, grants, work-study.

(correct me if im wrong)

but yeah :x

a good chunk of your money goes to rent, bills, food

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a lot of private universities calculate EFC from fafsa.

EFC stands for estimated family contribution.

Total amount of money needed to fund education - EFC - loans - workstudy shit - external scholarships (if you got any)= Grants (free moniez they give you; doesn't have to be paid back).

If you could minimize the EFC, you will get lots of free moniez.

There are effective ways to minimize the EFC but I can't really talk about it here

cause I will be shot.

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Florida schools are cheap and scholarships are easy. Some loans and working part time for some extra rent/food/cluthin money. Tuition for me is usually about $1200-1600 a semester and then books/rent/food/utlities/gas. Scholarship/grant/loans cover most all of it though. It sucked getting accepted to nicer colleges in more fun cities but not going. No real regrets now that i'm a few months from graduation, though.

Grad school is going to be more expensive though :(

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^ thats public university right?

Private University is alot more... my neighbor is in over 100k in debt with student loans. Would be over 200k but the law firm he's working @ is paying for his law school

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now grants can you use them for like.. say food and clothes if you need to?

not splooging it all on like lanvins or anything but just wondering can you use it if you're tution is covered?

yes u can use it to splurge on Lanvins, or whatever tickles your pickle

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^ thats public university right?

Private University is alot more... my neighbor is in over 100k in debt with student loans. Would be over 200k but the law firm he's working @ is paying for his law school

Yea, i figured i'd be good undergrad wise with university of florida since they kept climbing the rankings. Too cheap though, as non-cash cow majors and departments are going through major budget cuts. All the best/semi-famous (in the academic world) professors are retiring and the best young ones are leaving.

m1sterko- Yea, you can use loans/grants on whatever you want. My scholarships pay for tuition and then grants/loans/pt job pay for rent/food/gas/lavinz. I mean, if your parents are willing to help you out or loan you money it'd be better than having student loans to pay off after you graduate. You can usually find enough funding to live though if you need it.

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