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^hahahahaha you funny bastards. I love serious, academic zombie discussion. Some next-level shit.

I'm seeing Pontypool in about a week at the Sydney Film Festival. Is it truly a zombie flick though? Haven't read too much about it.

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Guest jmatsu
  Baeyer-Drewson said:
^hahahahaha you funny bastards. I love serious, academic zombie discussion. Some next-level shit.

I'm seeing Pontypool in about a week at the Sydney Film Festival. Is it truly a zombie flick though? Haven't read too much about it.


yeah it r zombie movie, but...

The DJ pieces together that a deadly plague is sweeping this Southern Ontario community, and that it seems to create a walking dead. Stranger still, he becomes convinced that the virus may be spread not by what people breathe or who they come in contact with, but by what people say, and how they say it. Yes, this virus is spread by words.

Don't expect to see lots of gore in this. Yeah, there are a few moments of creepy-looking creatures climbing through walls and things like that, and lots of vomiting and retching in pain, but the scary stuff is mostly hinted at, and not shown, and that makes it a fascinating mind-bender. The movie shifts quickly in tone from comedy to drama to science fiction horror in unnerving ways.

so u don't really see much zombie action, apparently...

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Guest jmatsu
  Hocus Pocus said:
I'll take that; that's a good grade (to white parents).

post your script. i will proof read and edit for only 2 canadian dollars.

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has this been mentioned in this thread?:


This may be the most wacky by-product of the busy Jane Austen fan-fiction industry—at least among the spin-offs and pastiches that have made it into print. In what’s described as an “expanded edition” of Pride and Prejudice, 85 percent of the original text has been preserved but fused with “ultraviolent zombie mayhem.” For more than 50 years, we learn, England has been overrun by zombies, prompting people like the Bennets to send their daughters away to China for training in the art of deadly combat, and prompting others, like Lady Catherine de Bourgh, to employ armies of ninjas. Added to the familiar plot turns that bring Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy together is the fact that both are highly skilled killers, gleefully slaying zombies on the way to their happy ending

it looks like a fleeting thrill

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  • 2 weeks later...

to be honest this fits into so many threads:


"It's 2018 - six years after a virus was released at the 2012 Olympics. Zombies dominate the earth and humankind has been mauled, torn and eaten to extinction.

The problem is there's not a lot to do now that there are no humans left to rip apart... cue the first post-apocalyptic music festival curated by the undead.

Film4 and Warp Films bring you I Spit On Your Rave, a mockumentary by director Chris Boyle about the first post-apocalypse zombie music festival, and we want YOUR living corpse to take part."


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  • 3 weeks later...

I brought back little maps of the Spanish cathedrals I've been to last week, and I find myself staring at them, imagining that this would be a good place to hide from zombies, with no windows at street level, thick walls and doors and above all a spacious cloister with fresh air and a well.

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