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Does it bother you when people are wearing the same thing as you?


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I don't see many people wearing the same stuff I do. I mean, it's just logo/graphic tees and jeans. The only way I could tell someone was "wearing the same thing" would be if they wore certain brands. It sounds really shallow when I talk about it like that.

So no, it doesn't bother me because I'm not trying to impress anyone or be different. I'm just wearing a stupid cotton tee with a graphic on it.

Anyway, I would probably like to meet someone interested in the same clothes I am.

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Most people here are considered "smart shoppers".

We tend to observe what others are wearing just because we are into fashion.

Therefore we'll notice it when someone's wearing the same thing or brand.

My cousin was wearing Onitsuka's and I said "Nice Onitsuka's" he had NO clue what I was talking about.

If I was wearing the same sneaker he wouldn't notice and couldn't care less.

People like us and women at dress-up affairs pay attention to what people are wearing.

Can I ask you something? These sunglasses: they're really nice. Are they like government issue, or do you guys all go to the same store together?

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true that has happend!!! a guy had some lEvis vintage id never seen before... i said to him "what model lEvis are those??? theyre vintage right??" his answer " err i dont know i liked the detail on the turn up... hey just like your have ... do yours have it in the inside of the pocket aswell?" i looked at him in disbelief?! but i do kinda notice ppl not wearing the same shit as me..probly cause i dont shop where everyone else does

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true that has happend!!! a guy had some lEvis vintage id never seen before... i said to him "what model lEvis are those??? theyre vintage right??" his answer " err i dont know i liked the detail on the turn up... hey just like your have ... do yours have it in the inside of the pocket aswell?" i looked at him in disbelief?! but i do kinda notice ppl not wearing the same shit as me..probly cause i dont shop where everyone else does

--- Original message by witts on Sep 12, 2005 02:16 PM

you shoulda asked to buy them off him. he prolly wouldnt even know what their worth. haha
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i didnt think of that...funny thing is i showed the guy some edwin rainbow selvage and he loved em and bout a pair.. denim geek in disguise... and come to think about it i have seen a couple guys rockin similar styesl.. you can kinda tel ther sneaker heads and what not... one guy in supreme sweatshirt with tee hangin out the bottom of the sweat.. apc denim and some dunk sb on...jus lookin at him thinkin "superfuture"

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there the psychic goes spittin knowledge again.

edit: well then again not too much knowledge. check your spelling of "hear" just cause they sound the same doesnt mean they have the same meaning

Edited by showbiz00ditc on Sep 12, 2005 at 11:40 AM

--- Original message by showbiz00ditc on Sep 12, 2005 11:38 AM

i got some good knowledge but the best knowledge i ever recieved was that YOUR FUCKING WACK!!!! stop riding culture!

"Brothers start to shake when i dig in the crates"

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there the psychic goes spittin knowledge again.

edit: well then again not too much knowledge. check your spelling of "hear" just cause they sound the same doesnt mean they have the same meaning

Edited by showbiz00ditc on Sep 12, 2005 at 11:40 AM

--- Original message by showbiz00ditc on Sep 12, 2005 11:38 AM

i got some good knowledge but the best knowledge i ever recieved was that YOUR FUCKING WACK!!!! stop riding culture!

--- Original message by protectthagoons on Sep 12, 2005 07:28 PM

oh man. ive been trying to stop it this goon wont leave it be. and i think the only one who's wack is the one who repetedly says it, everychance you get. leave it be man fucking smoke a blunt n chill out.
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Most people here are considered "smart shoppers".

We tend to observe what others are wearing just because we are into fashion.

Therefore we'll notice it when someone's wearing the same thing or brand.

My cousin was wearing Onitsuka's and I said "Nice Onitsuka's" he had NO clue what I was talking about.

If I was wearing the same sneaker he wouldn't notice and couldn't care less.

People like us and women at dress-up affairs pay attention to what people are wearing.

--- Original message by dagsolo on Sep 12, 2005 02:08 PM

This is one classic thread, two guys fighting and this call, "people like us and women" haha, thanks man that made me laugh, it's so true. And the chicks and kicks call haha and the Superfuture wardrobe, Supreme sweat, apc's and dunks. Back on the subject, no I never see other cats wearing the same gears as me
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it doesn't bother me when people are wearing the same thing as me, its kinda embarassing cuz you'll look like twins but im not the only one that shops at the stores i go to and what not. i think its stupid when people do get mad because they think they're so unique and stylish and that nobody else could have style like them. well anywayz, it doesn't bother me but i don't see many people with the same designed tees, i go to memes and they have a lot of "freelance designers" (if you can call it that) that design tees and sell them there. they got some kool tee's there i think.

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it doesn't bother me when people are wearing the same thing as me, its kinda embarassing cuz you'll look like twins but im not the only one that shops at the stores i go to and what not. i think its stupid when people do get mad because they think they're so unique and stylish and that nobody else could have style like them. well anywayz, it doesn't bother me but i don't see many people with the same designed tees, i go to memes and they have a lot of "freelance designers" (if you can call it that) that design tees and sell them there. they got some kool tee's there i think.

--- Original message by baldy on Sep 13, 2005 06:20 AM

Yeah, Memes is cool!
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I wasn't impressed with memes at all. THe t-shirts were all average IMO and the other goods could have been had at other locals in NYC. Plus the japanese girl didn't look up at her cell phone the entire time I was there and the hard lookin' thug Azn boy didn't say a word to me, just mad staring. Pretty wack. Why can't people just be friendly?

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don't see people wearing the same stuff, but i do see some people who sorta have the same style en the brands that i wear. I think it's a good thing when those people really know what they're wearing and it's fun to meet people like that. I just had that the other day in a shop when i was buying a new jeans. really nice guy there who helped me out, he knew a lot and we endend up talking for like 2 hours and i was trying on like 15 different types of jeans. I just think it sucks when people wear like the same tee, but then with cheap, ugly denim and sneakers.

one million billionth of a millisecond on a sunday morning

Edited by RobbertJan on Sep 14, 2005 at 01:59 PM

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i was in atrium once wearing my RR with a white polo and i was looking at some BB

and then this other guy comes around looking at BB too, wearing RR and a white polo, adn i was like hey....awkward silence

but i enjoy seeing people wear the same thign as me, cause it happens very rarely in generic suburban highschool, where your either a prep (A/F hollister) a skater, or a scene kid. i fit into none of these genres so if i saw someone wearing some apc or something i enjoy it cause it gives me a sense of comfort that someone else is a super'person

yet at the same time, that movie, national treasure: one of the guys in that movie had my shirt, and everyone was like damn niggah, and i felt like i lost a little bit of uniqueness

it is as most of you have mentioned, a double edged sword


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i dont do drugs, i get my high's from other things like gear and kicks..beer and chicks..

--- Original message by protectthagoons on Sep 13, 2005 12:53 AM

congrats on the decade post by the way

--- Original message by showbiz00ditc on Sep 13, 2005 08:29 AM

keep your mouth shut before i shut it for you, i have other things to do then go on the internet but im going to be the better person in the situation...not argue!

"Brothers start to shake when i dig in the crates"

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london is huge so iss rare that i'll see someone wearing the same gear as me - except for the converse. i also try and customise my own stuff anyway. i also like the challenge of moving on style wise - once a 'trend' has caught on i tend to bin it and move on. blending in with the crowd sucks.

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