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how do you study (adderall users please reply)


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i can't seem to study for more then an hour at a time. my friend gives me some adderall and i am flying through my books.

besides taking behaviorial drugs are there methods you use that helps you concentrate and study?

i ask because you need a prescirption from a mental health specialist to get adderall now, and supply is low.

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I used to reserve a seat in the library stacks. But depriving myself of all social contact didn't help my concentration. So, I study in my room for an hour at a time, taking breaks, then working in groups. But when it comes to MCATs, Organic Yield, and higher-level Biochem courses...I space out my studying so I won't have to pull all-nighters.

No pills.

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I'm pretty fresh out of high school where I never studied for crap so I'm suffering from not being able to actually study (I f'd up my gpa a semester or two ago) I do not have the attention span to complete a 20 minute assignment. Help.

retrored: for what reason does your friend have access to medicine (you state you need prescription from dr.)?

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i am taking the patent bar. my learning curve has severly diminished since school. i just cannot retain information as well as i use to. and since taking adderall i find it to be more of a detriment because of my dependency on the drug.

turning off the computer was something i never bothered doing because i knew that when i would take my break i would have to wait 2-3 minutes for it to boot each time. i guess removing the computer all together and finding another outlet will be best.

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FUck Pills, I just man up and do the damn thang. If you can't sit down and do a humdrum task for more than an hour your a bitch.

no, fuck you.

i just man up and do the damn thing. If you can't get up and walk for more than an hour to the grocery store four miles away, you're a fucking bitch.

you're an idiot.

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I'm pretty fresh out of high school where I never studied for crap so I'm suffering from not being able to actually study (I f'd up my gpa a semester or two ago) I do not have the attention span to complete a 20 minute assignment. Help.

swimming in the same boat

never studied either. only prepared for things the day of.

I used to sit in my morning classes with books in my lap, cramming for a next period's test.

and the cheating, oh my, the cheating. I did some legendary shit back then.

when I look back at what I did in highschool, it's clear that I could have scored much higher on average if I had done things a bit differently. I suppose I was motivated to procrastinate because of the thrill it gave. perhaps it was because I felt like I was getting away with something. But I don't blame myself. I would do it all again.

right now, in first year, I haven't sat through a single lecture (3-4h). occassionally, I force myself to sit through an hour, just so I don't feel detached. I'll be urging myself to leave by the 30 minute mark. I live off campus, so I don't even feel like a student. I just show up for evaluations. when someone asks me how school is going, I get an empty feeling.

btw, here's a tip: get your smart friends to do your assignments for you. saves lots of time.

i cant focus if im anywhere near a computer with internet

i am "studying" right now

if it's something serious, go to the library to study.

and yes, sometimes you just have to man up and do it.

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Make sure you don't have your laptop anywhere near you. AIM and forums will fuck up your studying quick. Go to a library, and find a quiet place. Make sure you ate before you went, and showered and are dressed well... this sounds stupid but it helps me not be preoccupied? Bring only your books, and if it's an extended session of like 3 hours than bring an ipod, if not I would go without music but you would know better than me if music helps.

And if you need a computer, do your shit at a computer lab in school.

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I'm going to have to vote against Adderall here. Speed is great, but you form dependency on it pretty quickly, so unless you're pulling back to back to back allnighters for grad school, I would totally recommend against it for chronic use. Occasional use is great, but really, study techniques are individual. I can't study alone in my room, I have to go to a cafe by myself and study in the midst of the general roar of all the people around my conversing. That's really the only way I get any work done. Nthing the lack of computers, if I don't have a computer with me, I get a lot of stuff done.

protip: Don't study too long! Study 40-50 minutes, then grab a quick smoke/wank/bite to eat for about ten minutes and then go back to studying. Reward systems work well if you keep the rewards great and brief.

Protip x2: Regarding Adderall and other forms of speed, my friend used to take adderall for 'schoolwork' (ADD diagnosis). Degenerated to the point where he started crushing the pills he'd been prescribed and snorting 'em on the weekends. Read Erowid.org experience vault (http://www.erowid.org/chemicals/amphetamines/), and click under 'experiences' for reasons why you all should read a lot about amphetamines before using unless you're being clinically prescribed. Decide for yourself only after checking background / experiences / effects of any drugs before using. Both for yourself, and your future self.

Here's one experience from the ugly side:

For the past couple months, I have spent much time with the amphetamine-like drug Adderall. The first time I took the drug, I was at school and it was during finals (I took 30mg). I had only rolled on one occasion at that point and I had the time of my life that day speeding my way through the finals. I failed both of the finals I took that day (too focused, couldn’t finish) but I didn’t care cause I was so deep in euphoria and I felt so good about myself. On this occasion, I felt no after effects or withdrawal.

Over the next month, I slowly started using the drug more often. I wasn’t taking higher doses, just more often. I liked the euphoria and the appetite suppression. The quality about the drug I liked best was that I could be myself around girls that might have intimidated me before.

On one occasion, I used the drug 6 days in a row. By the 6th day, the effects were diminished and I ended up crashing. At first, I didn’t mind the crash because I told myself it was worth the high.

Because of my tolerance with the drug, I decided that I would wait a couple days between usage and that I would up the dosage. I moved on to 60 mgs a dose and then 120mgs at a time. And with the higher dosages, I started crashing hard. The relationship I had gotten myself into on the drug only made the matters worse when I would crash and then I would feel like I couldn’t be myself around that person without the drug. I wanted the relationship to work out so badly that I would use high doses of the drug often. When the relationship ended, it was hell. The drug gave me a lot of anxiety, much of which still exist. As social as I had been when I was speeding, I was twice as anti.

The worst part about this drug is that I became so dependent without even realizing it. Once I experienced the euphoria, I quickly felt as though I was boring and not myself without it. Ordinary life seemed slow and dull and I felt like I couldn’t be around people sober because I wasn’t interested in anything and talking to people required much effort. I wasn’t natural, as it had been before with aderall.

Aderall is a dangerous drug. Don’t let the prescription bottle fool you. I have gone 4 days since the last time I've used it and I feel like total shit. I haven't left the house for 3 days and I feel horrible. All I want is some more of the drug but I know that if I use it, i'll only feel ten billion times worse when it wears off. Pot helps some but I still feel very boring. I just wish I had never tried the drug cause I feel antisocial as all get out and I have rediscovered my notion that I am incompatible. Adderall catches up with you.

Good luck guys. Studying sucks some times.
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I'm going to have to vote against Adderall here. Speed is great, but you form dependency on it pretty quickly, so unless you're pulling back to back to back allnighters for grad school, I would totally recommend against it for chronic use. Occasional use is great, but really, study techniques are individual. I can't study alone in my room, I have to go to a cafe by myself and study in the midst of the general roar of all the people around my conversing. That's really the only way I get any work done. Nthing the lack of computers, if I don't have a computer with me, I get a lot of stuff done.

protip: Don't study too long! Study 40-50 minutes, then grab a quick smoke/wank/bite to eat for about ten minutes and then go back to studying. Reward systems work well if you keep the rewards great and brief.


However, the whole cafe thing with everyone talking around you is actually an amazingly effective study environment. I just pop my iPod in and start cracking books (with the help of Adderall of course, kinda defeating the purpose of this thread but w/e)

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thanks for the replies. i really did not want to form a dependency on adderall and justanotherxy posted exactly i was afraid of. i've been studying at home after work, but think i may take your advice and hit a coffee shop with my mp3 player. i've studied at home before and did fine, but guess things done changed.

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