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tbh i think it's gonna rock. everyones being so negative off the little they've seen. wait 'till it comes out. i'm going to see it at midnight tonight with a few friends. my friend works at a movie theater and got an advanced screening last night and said it was insane so i can only hope.

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so i watched it yesterday.

you might get disorientated because of the camera movement.

shit's funny, i laffed throughout the whoel thing..

funny coz it's bad or good?

there has been an unbelievably amount of hype surrounding this movie, and considering this is Abrams first movie, i just can't see it living up to the excitement.

Plus going by previous posts, I trust polishmike's judgement is somewhat accurate...

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funny coz it's bad or good?

there has been an unbelievably amount of hype surrounding this movie, and considering this is Abrams first movie, i just can't see it living up to the excitement.

Plus going by previous posts, I trust polishmike's judgement is somewhat accurate...

well choreography is pretty much staged, no bloopers or anything, which sucks since it's supposed to be a first person film.

i think it was so bad that it was good.

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damn,people on IMDB give lots of 1 stars and 10 stars, i thinks this comment might be usefull ~~

This has got to be the worst monster movie I have ever seen! The whole movie is laughable. First, it take almost 25 minutes before this movie even starts, and after all of the useless banter of party guests things start to happen. And let me tell you that you could just use the footage from the trailer and skip about 20 of the most boring minutes of the whole film. Second, the monster, you get little glimpses of it until about 60-70 minutes into the film, and you get a very big disappointment, it's not Godzilla, a T-Rex, or anything that is even remotely familiar. It looks like someone put the body parts in the wrong places. If JJ Abrams brought anything back from Japan, it wasn't how to make a monster movie. I'll tell you this, the Japanese are laughing at us all over again! There will be no Cloverfield monster for sale at every little store like all the Godzilla's all over Japan. JJ, Daniel Myrick and Eduardo Sánchez called! They want their cameras back, the want to start filming Blair Witch 3! In short, I know, too late, DO NOT WAIST YOUR MONEY ON THIS FILM!
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