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I agree to an extent... but Margiela didn't invent the style or anything, that piece is from his line 14 - reproductions of found objects from opshops etc.

awesome info. never knew he has multiple lines, now it kinda make sense to me why his stuff as said earlier can be quite difficult to combo with. Different lines, different visions.

>:] do it...

heh! jcot. din't you want a leather bag..? :cool:

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haha I hope so bt, be strong man ;).

get some sleep dude, it's gonna be a busy week for you.

edit: lol, 3000 posts

Ok turned out PERFECT, lack of sleep in the past two days, just woke up 6am and finally feel a little more on the ball.

Worked out really well :o

bt, any guidi soft horse bags around (like the one here: http://www.pnp-firenze.com/)? proxy for me?

First thing i did was head to the closest L'eclaireur on Rue Herold ( two streets away)

They are low on stock but recieving in heaps within the next week. Some amazing Augusta shoes, tired on heaps of CCP which i am really disappointed to say does not fit my frame well at all :(

Even though i tried on CCP before, i felt perhaps it was just that collection and not my shape.

The new CCP arrives in a week, i will be in almost every day as the new stock arives.

i guess the timing of your sleep didnt work out best :D

dont lie bt, i know you're heading down to pigalle for some dirty shows

Already been :cool:.. twice.. lul not. :o

I thought the timing was fucked, but its worked out Perfect. Just didnt get much done yesterday sadly, today onwards is going to be crazy hectic.

whats the weather like man?

Shit. So far its been hot, like shorts and Tee hot. Im really quite disapointed.

As crap as the weather was for AW0910 week, atleast we could wear heaps of layers. Oh well hopefully it gets a bit cooler.

Today is Obscur viewing and Odyn Vovk.

Then Juun.J Show, then later the Julius show that i might/might not head to.

Also plan on hitting the two other L'EClaireur's before Ob/OV.

And Selkies, that idea we had just before we left regarding your brother. 100% needs to happen.

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