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Ivans nice necklace where did you get that from ;) WAYWT looks good, repped. What basics are you wearing underneath??

50 Im digging that jacket tooooooooooo. repped :D

I'm wearing the CoN rotten apple cotton, and drkshdw federacy tee underneath courtesy of home.

In other news, just got back from the Beat Poet show at RAFW, which was as I expected. ome pretty nice pants, but nothing worth jumping through hoops for. There were some steezy gents around to be sure - I'd say better dressed than the girls on a whole.

Also, stockists for Fiedrich Gray? I like his 2nd skin style jacket, and his other leather jacket (if it doesn't have the marino inserts like previous seasons). What are the prices like?

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it seems like everyone has their stimulus money already?!

where the FUCK is mine?!?!

have you made sure you getting it? You can still earn under 100K and not get it. You can go to the goverments website and work it out from there. LINK

Ajax, i personally dont get it as i was studying at the time and earned less than 11k that financial year, meaning i didnt pay any tax, meaning i get no bonus.

Also DJI , why did you sell your gimp hoodie? was the fit wrong or was it just not your taste?

ALso if anyone finds me holy grail please please let me know. its getting cold and im aching to find it.

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have you sold that hoodie already D?

lemme know if you havent coz i think i know a mate thats been looking for them.

im also still hunting for combat boots that are in my size grrr. so if anyone sees any decent ones in size 39/40 plz let a brother know

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wow that was quick. no worries though as they are not for me haha :P

Wept, if you could that it would be greatly appreciated man. I suck @ lurking on Y! and all those jap bidding sites :( my price range for combat boots are around 400-500USD if possible. I know that limits alot of shit but i've spent all my krudd money already lol.

brandwise.. i guess anything by ann d, ro, julius, attachment? anything that have slim silhouette would be nice.

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the dick oven combats from a few seasons ago (i think 08) are nice and you could prob get a pair for around that, or a little bit more that have been used. The newer RO combats have a shit look IMO and the sole is just horrid. i also think they have a contrasting stitching around the sole, alot like doc martens do. ill keep my eyes open.

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have you made sure you getting it? You can still earn under 100K and not get it. You can go to the goverments website and work it out from there. LINK

Ajax, i personally dont get it as i was studying at the time and earned less than 11k that financial year, meaning i didnt pay any tax, meaning i get no bonus.

You sure you don't get it Wept?? Tax free threshold is $6000 and so you would have had to pay tax on that $5000 (like maybe 750 buckeroos), meaning you should be eligible for the stimulus :D

Anyone know anything about CON's presentation/showing? I know they are meant to be doing something for RAFW, albeit an off-schedule event.

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im pretty sure TTT. i earnt about 8.5k and paid tax on that, but got it all back. i think you have to have paid tax and not got a money back to get the 900$ stimulus. either way im not fussed. money is good and all but im a strong believer that there is no such thing as 'free money', eventually everyone will have to pay it back via taxes or some other government measure.

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Your right Wept if you got all of it back then you wouldn't be eligible, as long as you paid at least a dollar in tax (thats you melvin :D) then you'd cop krudd dollars. But wept not paying any tax at all last year and earning over the threshold? Im confused, no such thing as free money you say? Haha just kidding ;)

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