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Hope F/W 07/08


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I'm not too familar with the brand but I've been looking at this collection for about a month now and I must say, it looks pretty good. I'm not too sure on the quality or the prices or even where it's stocked (I think there's only 1 US stockist and they carry the Womens only).

Here's some looks from the collection as well as some accessories.











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I posted about this collection on stylezeitgeist earlier in the year. I loved it when I saw it online and loved it just as much when I got to see it in person at their store in Stockholm a few months back. My favourite F/W collection of 2007! I picked up one of the oversized sweaters (pic 5) and could have picked up a lot of other pieces as well. Their jackets are great, but priced fairly high, with most around $800. The sweaters, shirts and pants are in the $200-300 range. The shoes and boots, which are sooooo nice (the best of wich are the combatish boots that you did not post), run around $500.

I believe Opening Ceremony is the only men's stocklist in the U.S. There are a few that stock the womens.

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ahk- Thanks for that info! I'll have to check out Opening Ceremony and see if they have any of the pieces as I really want to see it in person.

What would you compare this to, quality wise?

Also, I emailed the store to see if they can ship to the US, so we'll see what they have to say.

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they should ship to the US. this store has a few pieces online http://webshop.kii.se/. i'm not the best judge of quality, but i would say it is like ACNE used to be, before they started mass producing everything. the cuts are much better though! my gf has two pairs of their pants and the fit great. i tried on a pair of the cropped pants (the ones from look 3) and they also fit amazing.

for some reason all the pics you posted didn't shop up the first time i looked at the thread, but show up now. the boots i was talking about are the second one in your third post and the sweater i have is the black oversized one from the second pic in your first post.

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I like. First impression is that it actually comes together as a cohesive collection pretty well, with good common threads.

I like this a lot, really good proportions on the top vs bottom.


Where'd you get the pics GG? I'd like to link some people directly if possible.

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I took screenshots of all the pictures from their site as they're not directly linkable. Definitely check out the website though as there's a few more looks that I didn't post plus, the whole womenswear collection!

Edit- I didn't include the denim because I don't like blue jeans. :)

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Yeah I'm passing on the womenswear to some girls.

It's not as good as the mens from what i've seen, but then again, I have notoriously poorly refined taste in womenswear.

I'm still staggering under the contradiction of someone who doesn't like blue jeans on superfuture.

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^I'm not certain but for people from Amsterdam/Holland, I think I've seen this jacket in black, and grey leather (fucking amazing, I've tried it on, and it was impeccable) at SPRMRKT. Or it was a really similar one. The grey leather jacket was 800 euro's tho...

This jacket is amazingggg too


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