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Things i've used for an unusually long period of time...


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-Toyota Celica = 14 years (but not just one, 5 different Celicas)

-Phone Ringtone MP3 = 5 years (Popcorn by Hot Butter) (It's gone through 4 phones)

-Office computer, Pentium II w/ MMX on a 56k Baud Modem and no working drives running Win95 with no USB support = 10 years

-PWEI boxer shorts = 9 years

-Difeo Sportster = 5 years

-Personal (primary) E-Mail Address = 15 years

-Mobile Phone Number = 14 years


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in what way do you use your cat?

I still use:

- the same Technics direct drive I picked up at a flea market for $5 from like 15 years ago, Sony A/V receiver I got new in 1993, Bose 301 speakers from the same time.

-Ferragamo captoes I got in high school, still not resoled yet but look nice, I polish them once in awhile

-just sold my BMW a few weeks back but I had that for quite awhile

-still have my first guitar ever, a hand me down Yamaha 000-style I got when I was 12. I later went on to get a real Martin 000 but sold that for drug money, kept my Yamaha though.

-I used to still use my graphite iBook G3 SE, but it finally gave up the ghost just recently, 7 years later. None of my subsequent Powerbooks or MacBooks have lasted half as long.

-wear the same TAG Heuer watch I got in high school to this day, probably 8 years old

-I have this big pink comb that might be 20 years old.

My house is filled with antiques and my room at my parents really hasn't changed much or been fucked with since I was in middle school so I've never really thought this over too much...

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I have shirts I still wear from the early 90s. Actually, I have a sweater that I got for my birthday from my mom (last thing I got from her before she passed away) from '86. Of course, I don't wear it much these days, 'cause it just might disintegrate. It's a beater, I used to wear it when I had painting classes.

And I've been using the same messenger bag for over 5 years.

Personal e-mail address for over 10 years. But I've got others now.

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lady: 10.5 years

cell: 3 years

fillings: 15 years (about to be replaced)

generic pair of boxers: 13 years (just disposed of 11-year-old gap glow-in-the dark boxers the other day)

thrifted t-shirts [still worn frequently (soccer, karate, spiderman)]: 16 years

same pair of brown suede clarks desert treks: 4 years? (crepe sole thin now)

body: nearly 30 years

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SNES and games- 15 years (played it some this past summer)

NES games- 17 years (since i was old enough to hold a controller)

a few pairs of basketball shorts- 7-10 years (i was fat and wore things oversized back then)

girl- almost 3 years

american eagle tshirts- 8 years (wear that washed 349367 times shit to bed. so soft)

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  cheep said:
skateboard, around 15 or so years.(not the same one mind you)

This doesn't count, it'd be like saying "bicycle, 25 years, since i was 5"

Now if every board you had was the same brand, that would be impressive.

Guys, i want specifics, give more info on the shit you've been using for far too long. I want to know what kind of busted phone you've had for five years.

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  kiya said:
This doesn't count, it'd be like saying "bicycle, 25 years, since i was 5"

Now if every board you had was the same brand, that would be impressive.

Guys, i want specifics, give more info on the shit you've been using for far too long. I want to know what kind of busted phone you've had for five years.

ok... indy trucks- 15 years.

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personal e-mail address - 12 years

tk 3-in-1 yo-yo - 13 years

hummingbird yo-yo - 18 years

1963 tux jacket - 10 years

moose-sized thundercock - 31 years

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  Boxthor said:

I bought this pencil my Senior year of High School in Kyoto, Japan, 3 years ago now.

I've done all my senior finals and every piece of work for my Associates Degree from Johnson and Wales University with it, and it never leaves my side.

Don't fuck with my pencil.

I was gonna make fun of this post but I'm afraid of getting banned.

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  whitney said:
Cell phone? That's impressive. I've changed mine every year cos I changed cell phones every year until they allowed you to carry numbers over to other carriers.

I've had this number for almost four years now.

I think I've gone through at least nine phones since I got my first cell phone.

i've also had the same cell phone service provider (verizon-bell atlantic b4 that) for over 10 years..i think ive had 5 different phones...usually try and change it up every 2 years......

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  whitney said:
Cell phone? That's impressive. I've changed mine every year cos I changed cell phones every year until they allowed you to carry numbers over to other carriers.

I've had this number for almost four years now.

I think I've gone through at least nine phones since I got my first cell phone.

You just reminded me.. I just added it to my initial post.

Cell phone number: 14 years

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You've had a (any) cell phone for 14 years? I didn't get one until 2003.

(just disposed of 11-year-old gap glow-in-the dark boxers the other day)
Did the glow-in-the-dark still work? That shit always dies too fast.

Cell phone--Nokia 3589i--4 years (this took some time off but came back when I threw my Razr against a wall last year)


Fred Perry track jacket--7 years (wearing it today)

Gap shirt--12 years (it used to fit a lot differently)

Chucks--one pair that's still going has 7 years on it

iMac--I still turn it on to access old work. Originally purchased in 1998--Bondi blue, baby.

Some of the plastic cups I have in the cupboard are from college parties in the mid 90s (I was in high school at the time).

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AIM screenname: since 1997

email: since 1999

and i still have the original disks of computer games from the late 80's, early 90's

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Computer game discs don't count..

This is for items "used" not "owned"..

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  kiya said:
Computer game discs don't count..

This is for items "used" not "owned"..

ok, then i guess ill add my jnco shirts from 6th grade that i still use around the house when bumming around and/or yardwork

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