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NYC'ers: Anyone have a couch [read: dwelling w/ heat & water] for rent?


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Just got offered a job in NY. Unfortunately, it doesn't pay much and I need a place to stay.

Anyone got an extra couch, closet, floorspace, or large doghouse they could rent me for a short term basis (likely till Jan 1, when I could get an apt.)?

I can offer some compensation depending on the living situation (~$350?)

I may end up not even taking the job if it decide the money isn't enough, so this could all be moot.

In case anyone needs basic info about me:

age: 23

jail time served: 4 years (considering I was supposed to serve 7, I'd say that's damn good!)

number of arms: 2

Mental illnesses: 0

Physical illnesses: 1-Rabies (Monkey bite...It's a whole thing, don't ask)

Talents: Selling other peoples' organs (not yours), calligraphy, 3-card monty,

Hobbies: Knitting, fireside chats with politicians, inventing colors

BTW, I'm kidding about the jail and rabies.

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