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Worst Feelings, Ever


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Yes it did happen. I had most of it removed in Feburary, but there is still some left because it was too dangerous to get the rest of it. I am really hope that it does not grow back because the surgery was not enjoyable, especially when you have 3 holes drilled in your head and an instrument stuck up your nose. I had to take a whole semester off of school and I am trying to catch up.

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Guest thesnow
  sousvide said:
trying to eat a 12 egg omelete+9strips of bacon+1 lb of cheese. In order to win a tshirt and get my name on a wall.

ok tiny tim i cant imagine how much 1lb of cheese is but if you cant eat a 12 egg omelete and nine strips of bacon then you should give it all up

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smoking a lot of weed and eating a ton before passing out.... that unbareable hunger i feel when i wake up after this.

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Getting the worst gas possible after eating some greasy ass fried foods, the unbearable queesiness as you sit on the toilet trying to fart/burp it out but it won't come out because your constipated and the subsequent pains of the pressure pushing on your insides...and when it finally comes out, the mix of crap and toilet water that splashed onto your butt cheeks because all that gas pressure inside made your crap turn all liquidy....

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  doczein said:
having one of the best nights of your life and waking up the next day with the realization that final exams are a day away.

That is exactly how I feel right now. I was out last night celebrating my 21st birthday with a bunch of friends and now I have a Physics final on monday.

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waking up in jail not knowing what you did to get in there.

withdrawling from 80 mgs of methadone/8-14 mgs of xanax every day for 17 months goin CT.

getting sick from raw oysters and having to drive from new orleans back to houston.

being out of dope and shooting straight water just so you can do the ritual.

fuck all that shit.

84 days and im not looking back.

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