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How do most of the clothes on yesstyle.com fit? experience?


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The way they manufacture the clothes after orders are recieved means you'll be waiting a solid 2 weeks before your order even ships - and then easily another week in transit. It also means that what you see in the pictures and what you get delivered are regularly discrepant.

The clothes are made of some horrible fabrics and are overpriced for what are esentially street market wares.

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honest opinion:

the clothes vary from bad to H&M/fast fashion quality. the orders to take a hell of a long time to arrive. can be overpriced, or can be a decent experience depending on what you're expecting/your patience.

each item has accurate measurements provided, along with a CM to IN calculator on each page. learn your meaasurements. everything fits small-medium. very little is a true western-style large.

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i've bought a few things from them. their stuff fits great on me (i'm short, skinny, and asian), and their jackets are priced well. quality wise, its on the lower end of things, it holds up, but if you look close, it's obvious that there wasn't too much attention paid to manufacturing details. summary: if you small and asian and need some jackets, check them out

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the jackets are the best in terms of cost on yesstyle. everything else is way overpriced for what it is. a decent looking jacket for $100 is an okay deal even if its shitty quality. a shitty shirt for $50 is not worth it, as you can get things that are 100 times better in terms of quality for cheaper.

and yes, things are true to measurement and most things tend to be small

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when you guys say crappy quality.. what brands does it equal to? gap? old navy? h&m?
honest opinion:

the clothes vary from bad to H&M/fast fashion quality. the orders to take a hell of a long time to arrive. can be overpriced, or can be a decent experience depending on what you're expecting/your patience.

each item has accurate measurements provided, along with a CM to IN calculator on each page. learn your meaasurements. everything fits small-medium. very little is a true western-style large.

some of the jackets seem worth the price for what they are... but everything else is shit for the prices

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I've bought this from YesStyle, fits me great, 175cm/65kg. Quality is good (for that price) so far, not worse then H&M.







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