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  Servo2000 said:
This is fucking incredible. He even pinned up the Kanye album foldout.

I think he tucked his "jeans" into his tongues on purpose. That just makes this all the greater. And by greater I mean unfuckingbelievably amazingly awesome. Someone give this kid a record deal.

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  Lab said:
Who do I have to +rep to get more of this shit?

I can't stop laughing...need respirator.

i know where you can find shit exactly like this. in fact some of the exact same pics. go to http://niketalk.com go to sneaker showcase i think and they have a huge 80+page hypebeasts thread there

edit* its on page 2 of sneakers showcase and has 92 pages

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no, im the kidd that made the goofy ass picture of me in the mirror with a goofy ass face. It was a joke. Originally the post had a caption on how you should look into my eyes and see the eyes of a man ready to kill or some shit like that. I was trying to mock this guy


Hypebeasts, take note: The difference between me and the other people that I've seen with this shirt, Ron Artest aside, is that I actually fight people and make the shirt look menacing as opposed to the skinny bitches that wouldn't even throw a punch at their shadow if it was pestering them. I'm not a big guy, but you can look into my eyes and see that I'm not one to fuck with.

I posted a similar caption to his, and I was trying to make a joke by playing on the irony of him acting hard and saying it along with me trying to make as frail a face as possible and say that shit. I don't actually look like that. I will post other pics that are serious later when i get a camera.

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