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unfortunately this is what i do when im watching television and there isnt shit on television right now (RW/RR challenge)

i need to be job hunting is what i need to be doing

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June 4, 2009, 11:25 am

Born Rich | A Preview of Bravo’s ‘NYC Prep’

By Joshua David Stein


Cast members Camille, 17, and P.C., 18, on Bravo’s new series, supposedly a real-life “Gossip Girl.”

Slumped down in the front few rows of an auditorium on Monday, the teenage stars of the new Bravo reality television show “NYC Prep”, which will have its debut on June 23, looked anxious, like kids caught doing something naughty, unsure of the punishment that awaits them. They had been summoned for a media preview of the show, held at the Paley Media Center. They were in trouble, but they had no idea how bad it would get.


Taylor, 15, aches to fit in with her wealthier peers.

“NYC Prep,” which comes from the programming minds that brought you the “Real Housewives” franchise, is a documentary series that purports to be a real life “Gossip Girl.” The six young principals live on the Upper East Side and all — except one — attend unnamed private schools. They lead the lives of, as Andy Cohen, Bravo’s unctuous executive vice president of programming puts it, “mini-adults.” He didn’t mean little people, big world (that’s TLC). He meant that his stars are adults stuck in the awkward (but fat-free) bodies of teenagers.

Since Bravo’s camera crew was understandably barred from filming inside the school, the action is all extracurricular. “My hobby,” says Sebastian, a doe-eyed 16-year-old ladies’ man, “is hooking up with the hottest girls I can.” Like any budding player, Sebastian goes on a date to Kurve, a futuristic Thai place in the East Village, with a wingman and two hapless 16-year-old girls. This isn’t so much what adults do as what a teenager might think adults do. (Admittedly, going over credit card statements with your spouse does not good television make.) P.C., at 18 the show’s elder, sips Coke at Phillippe while discussing cleft palates with his friend Jessie. “No one dies of a cleft palate,” he says dismissively. Camille checks her SAT scores while lunching with her mother at Sarabeth’s.

The other preoccupation of adulthood-in-a-teenage-mind is shopping — a constant activity. Jessie is passionate about fashion and has had, she boasts, a personal shopper at Barneys since she was 13. But she’s also hip and with it and thus takes a trip to the Bowery boutique White and Blue, where she tries on a dress. “OMG,” says the saleswoman, “you look like you’re from ‘Gossip Girl.’” “’Gossip Girl?,’ I hate that show,” says Jessie, before departing via Suburban back uptown to her red-velvet-wallpapered home. But hey, at least she has parents to go home to.


Clockwise from left: Jessie, P.C., Sebastian, Camille, Taylor and Kelli.

Kelli, a 16-year-old aspiring singer, lives with her slightly older brother without parent supervision — Mom and Dad come in once a week from their house in the Hamptons — on the Upper East Side. As you might expect for an unsupervised minor, she has nothing but bottled water in the fridge and eats out every night. (This is perhaps the most realistic detail.) Taylor, the “poor” publicly schooled one, aches to fit in with the cushy crowd and throws a party at Japonais because, “it’s good to be perceived as having money.” Sadly, the mix of public and private school sensibilities is not a harmonious one and her private school friends — Kelli, the singer, and Camille, the uptight overachiever — leave in a huff. (It doesn’t help that Sebastian, who went on a date with Kelli to the Moschino store, spends the night flirting with Taylor.)

In a nutshell, these kids lead reckless, privileged, precocious lives, whipping small hiccups into stiff peaks and saying rash and ill-advised things like “I have my own credit card. I don’t know how much I use it” and “we’re the elite of the elite.” It’s hard not to laugh at their myopia, ridicule their inconsequential chamber dramas and scoff at their teenage histrionics. And that’s exactly what the audience did, over and over again through the hourlong show. The cast slumped further down in their seats.

After the preview ended, Andy Cohen, the show’s executive producer Lenid Rolov and four of the six cast members took to the stage (P.C. would arrive later on a private plane from Block Island; Jessie was on vacation with her family.) The four looked awkward and vulnerable. Kelli wobbled atop high beige patent leather heels and her mini dress — iridescent and shiny — was so tight she could barely mount the stage. Taylor sat stone-faced. The audience members shifted awkwardly in their seats and waited to watch what happened.

Born Rich | A Preview of Bravo's 'NYC Prep'


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The other day, there I am, back on the steps, computer in my lap, getting some fresh air, working some and doing some people watching. A beautiful filmesque moment, the kind that happens all the time in NYC.

There I am with a mouthful of frozen apple when I see Little J pass right by. ”Hi J!” I say to her

And then suddenly I realize…


I don’t know her at all! And besides, that’s not Jenny Humphrey! You’re not living in Gossip Girl! It’s Taylor Momsen, and c’mon goof, this is reality! I melted all over her anyway to get her photo, teehee.


Garance Dore

Is that... is that a Geller bullet neckalce? No... no.

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