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FUCK THE USPS! an open thread....


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I was away for 2 weeks in HK. Had them hold my mail and told them to start dropping my mail this past Wed. Still nothing in my mailbox? Went over there to ask them if they started delivering my mail again. They told me my carrier was out on rounds and to check my box later. Still nothing, what I have no mail from the last 3 weeks?

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  mizanation said:
please post your rants and complaints about our great united states postal service here.

You're a fellow Brooklynite... you feel my pain on the USPS service around these parts. Makes you wanna choke a bitch.

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Did you lose something again miz? What was it last time? Jeans or shoes?

I try to get shit sent to my work address, I just think they figure it's something official and they handle it better. Don't know if it works, though. Haven't lost too much shit, I have to say.

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  rirawin said:
Hahaha. You think USPS is bad? Try the Royal Mail, yeah, bitches went on strike for pretty much two weeks. Imagine that, no mail at all for two weeks. You guys are lucky to have Fedex and UPS to fall back on. We get jack shit.

Not to mention that the postal workers are so untrustworthy you have to send everything signed for to make sure it doesn't get "lost" in the post.

Does theft occur often? Is it a federal crime in the UK?

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  rirawin said:
I'm all for it. But when they moan and cry about that they can't go home early because they've finished their work that day, instead of helping their work colleagues - what kind of mentality is that?

I'll allow the whole pension system fuck up though.

Bring in the Poles!

I actually agree with the going home early thing, I often see my posty running and hot footing it around the area, If they knew they had to get back and do chores for the rest of their day think the end result would be your post arriving even later!

Also the guy in charge said "no more spanish work ethics" or something similarly short sighted and xenophobic. Also the strike was a reaction to a proposal to change their work rota with only 24 hours notice! WTF!!! They couldnt book a restaurant if that actually went through.... I supported their reasons but that strike was a joke, so many books and dvds I didnt get for ages... and there could be more in the christmas run-up.

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usps sucks balls. every time i do next day delivery it takes them at least 2-3 days. they never leave a notice at my place that they were trying to deliver a package but it shows online that they tried. every time i complain at the post office they give me lip. fuck them, i hope they go bankrupt in next 5 years.

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  sidneylo said:
You're a fellow Brooklynite... you feel my pain on the USPS service around these parts. Makes you wanna choke a bitch.
  ang_kangkong said:
Did you lose something again miz? What was it last time? Jeans or shoes?

brooklyn USPS is so bad.

they constantly "lose" shit. they "gave" someone "else" my wife's $600 camera shipped from japan.

they've "lost" other packages before.

i've stopped using them and ship everything to my office. they tend not to lose shit when they deliver to a huge financial institution.

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  mizanation said:
^^^ do you live in brooklyn?

Obviously not. Anyone in Brooklyn who's ever stepped foot in a USPS office knows in an instant that they just walked into hell.

It's 10 am and there's 15 people in line. There's one fucking cunt working the whole place. An hour later I'm almost to the front...

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  polishmike said:
I think USPS might be better in places where they don't hire convicts and recovering addicts.

well they hire the ghettoest of the of ghetto

my mom who is postal worker(her excuse is she's an immigrant who barely spoke english when she passed the exam) tried to hook up my brother in law with this new 19 year old female carrier who happens to be japanese as well. We were scratching our heads why would a young 19 year old japanese girl be a mail carrier, till my mom got back to my brother in law and said "no good, she have 2 kids already"

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