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Mac V Pc?

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i are make use of dis dem HP laptop becuz i see in tv commershal dat it be use

by serna wiliamz, jerry senfeld, vera wang, and mny other peoplz who are success.

i wan 2 be success, not sjum fjucking billionsbjurg white cracker trust fnd nigar.

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Mac all the way. I work for Apple so technically I have to say that, but I would even if I didn't.

  Double D said:
Ichigo does actually have a point though.

Unless you're doing audio, visual or indeed audiovisual work you're paying through the nose for what's effectively a more attractive web browser.

This isn't entirely true. With the new productivity suite that came out in august you can do all the office software you use on a windows machine on a mac (spreadsheets, powerpoint, word and so on). The only real complication is when people run into stuff like system databases, certain cad progams, or proprietary money managing software. People DO totally love that you have your entire computer on a nice looking piece of alumnium on your desk, but generally they get the machines for ease of use, security etc. When you look at the price of a Dell machine with everything tossed into it that the iMac comes standard with, its about the same price and thats not just me bullshitting.

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Yeah, the iMacs and Macbooks are pretty good value nowadays compared to their severely underpowered predecessors. Still, the amount of people who fork out for an MBP they don't need is just silly. As a Powerbook user I'd much rather have the black plastic Macbook than the aluminium that dirties and wears out all too easily.

But that's a moot point for me as I'm going to have to invest in a proper desktop unit when I leave uni and lose access to the department suite of Mac Pros.

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  Double D said:
Yeah, the iMacs and Macbooks are pretty good value nowadays compared to their severely underpowered predecessors. Still, the amount of people who fork out for an MBP they don't need is just silly. As a Powerbook user I'd much rather have the black plastic Macbook than the aluminium that dirties and wears out all too easily.

But that's a moot point for me as I'm going to have to invest in a proper desktop unit when I leave uni and lose access to the department suite of Mac Pros.

exactly. I originally had a PowerBook that I sold the day the MacBook came out and bought one of those. I ended up only paying like a 100 dollar difference

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  thomh said:
The Mac mouse does actually have a left and right click. You've just got to set it in the System Prefs.

how does it work then, I thought there was only one way to press it..?

having used mac at work for a while, I've come to the conclusion that its highly overrated. usability is really not that much better, I'm sure it allright once you've used it enough, but nothing that would've rocked my world. at the end of the day, I'm happy coming home to a PC and I also use my PC laptop constantly next to the mac.

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  drapygo said:
PC so you can be a pirate.

hahah sir I'm typing away on my black macbook which is equally capable of being a pirate... I also use xp pro via vmware fusion alongside OS X whenever I need to use this program called derive for calculus (I didn't buy any of those aforementioned programs/OS and OS X came with the computer obviously)

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  Double D said:
Ichigo does actually have a point though.

Unless you're doing audio, visual or indeed audiovisual work you're paying through the nose for what's effectively a more attractive web browser.

what are you talking about, ichigo actually doesn't have a point and nor do you. COUNTLESS professionals in the field of audio and visual use windows based computers to do their work.

i can think of at least 2 producers off the top of my head right now that use windows based computers for their works.

there's no law stating that professionals in these fields must use mac os.

DUM: verdict, apple computers are pretty and nice to look at (at a cost), windows computers aren't pretty nor nice to look at (cheaper)

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  chris_n said:
what are you talking about, ichigo actually doesn't have a point and nor do you. COUNTLESS professionals in the field of audio and visual use windows based computers to do their work.

i can think of at least 2 producers off the top of my head right now that use windows based computers for their works.

there's no law stating that professionals in these fields must use mac os.

Way to get completely the wrong end of the stick, fuckwit. I'm saying unless you're doing AV work there is no way in hell you technically need a Mac, fullstop, not OMG YOU MUST HAVE A MAC FOR AV WORK.

Noone's persuading me away from OSX when it comes to music though. Pro Tools HD in sync with Logic Pro and Max/MSP is pure fucking sex.

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i think the line has blurred considerably since apple has intel chips now. Being able to truely dual boot a system kind of makes it possible to have everything under one expensive hood. It is personal preference, and I can assure all of you having worked with Macs and PC's in both hardware and software end for almost 10 years, you're going to get into trouble with both. That's just life. Personally for me, i find it a bit tougher (more frustrating) to troubleshoot macs, but that's just because I don't have one personally. But I've had more hardware problems with Apple stuff and more software problems with PC stuff.computers just suck.

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  Analog said:
Do you actually do any of this stuff, or are you just an expert?

I have done this stuff while i was taking 3d animation in college.. I used a lot of video editing tools such as Final cut pro and motion as well as soundtrack pro, Color, compressor and DVD studio pro, logic pro, Garageband( for putting together my final demo reel)..

However, like i mentioned PC has a few programs that are equivelant to that of the Final Cut Studio package such as Adobe Premier pro, Encore, etc... Im no expert but I have experience with both hardwares and I still prefer PC over Mac because i find i have more options with the PC hardware..

As someone had mentioned before, its really all about aesthetic preference. Personally I only used the G4 because of its video editing properties/tools. I found it was more efficient on the G4 than on the PC, i could organize my audio/video/image files easier. With that being said, that is why i suggested those who are more into design, video editing should strive for a mac over pc because of overall performance in that area.

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  poly800rock said:
i think the line has blurred considerably since apple has intel chips now. Being able to truely dual boot a system kind of makes it possible to have everything under one expensive hood. It is personal preference, and I can assure all of you having worked with Macs and PC's in both hardware and software end for almost 10 years, you're going to get into trouble with both. That's just life. Personally for me, i find it a bit tougher (more frustrating) to troubleshoot macs, but that's just because I don't have one personally. But I've had more hardware problems with Apple stuff and more software problems with PC stuff.computers just suck.

In all the one-on-one troubleshooting I've done when I was at an Apple retail store a few years ago... the biggest learning curve is the seemingly roundabout way some of the features OS X operates... I suppose in contrast with Windows on a "PC" box, it just takes some time to learn how things work...

I had a lot of folks confused at why it only took 2 or 3 steps instead of 6 with their Windows OS... especially for switchers they're so used to their OS working a certain way they need time to adjust to a different implementation of the same thing.

Of course that's just one way to look at it.

Though when I worked IT for windows users at NYU's Bobst Library, most of my calls were about changing their wallpapers back to normal because they changed it to a web clip of lol cats.

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And to Chris_N,

I can probably name off quite a few people myself who use Macs as an all around editing hardware system.. Ive worked with Game designers, Interior Designers, Architechtural designers you name it.. When it comes down to video editing/AV Mac is a definite plus in that category.. Pc may have more processing power, but MAC has more efficiency in that specific area..

Although you do have a point that companies do in fact use the windows hardware, but they use it for other things.. If you're into rendering for gaming, PC is where its at because the processing power is ridiculous.. Shit like Renderfarm and renderware need that PC power, shit eats up ram.. I remember having to use 7 Pc's to do all my rendering... If you're into the gaming shit like Modelling, Animating, Particle effects pc is your man

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