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you can look at www.myspace.com/esefisforlovers

and it's hard to promote through myspace

you'd be better off just posting about/promoting your stuff in forums where everyone there would be interested in the same things rather than on myspace where you'd just be adding random people regardless their interests

also, it's a hassle for poeple who don't have a myspace to sit there and wait for that slideshow to go through and show all the pictures of your stuff

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My wife and I just opened a store here in Cleveland (non-denim related) and have been using the MySpace page as temp communication while she finishes our actual site.

It's a convenient thing, and plenty of people use it, but you can't expect a great deal from it. One thing I will recommend is using CSS instead of straight graphics for your MySpace profile. Easier to keep the page from appearing wacky, loads faster, and if you are creative about it (like my wife is) then you can make something really nice and easy on the eyes without deviating too far from the familiar layout that people are used to seeing & using.

Yours seems pretty alright, but the graphics make is load/move kinda slow, even on broadband. There are a handful of helpful tutorials on dealing with MySpace's crappy code and using CSS to your advantage within the constraints of their user guidelines and such. I would highly recommend this one:


Here's our page, for your reference: myspace.com/shoparooni

One thing I will suggest is that you lighten up your page a bit. It's really, really dark (even on a Mac monitor) and the first thing I thought of when I saw it was "another metal band". Your products seems pretty cool, so I'd like to see you do them justice. :)

Hope this was helpful...and if any of it came off as snarky, it wasn't intended. I'm tired and my internet writing gets weird when I'm tired.


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