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WTB: lightly used APC NS tagged 32 or 21

Clench Million

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I see a lot of people seeling APC's on here for between 40 and 80 that are lightly used. Haven't seen it in my size, but if someone has something that is or will be stretched to a little over a 17 inch waist I'd be interested.

Not really interested in people asking for 5 bucks less than I can get it new though.

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on the left front pocket, on the inside of it (like, if you hold the jeans open, and then flip the front pocket flap up, there) I wrote 10/09/07 which is the day I got them (october 9, 2007). Its not rubbing off or anything, but it is in permanent marker.

Measurements (using the instructions on BiG)

waist: 17.5" across

front rise: 11"

back rise: 14.5"

upper thigh: 12"

inseem: 35.5"

knee: 9"

hem (opening): 8"

That is after wearing them for about a week, I'm a student in high school with a dress code, so I only wore them for like an hour or two at night (sitting around my room, doing homework), and then there was one night that I wore them out (weekend night), both of which invloved nothing that would affect or ruin the jeans like stains or anything.

I would assume that they won't stretch out much more unless you make them (i.e. pulling or using a waist stretcher etc). And I'd bet that if you wanted them to shrink a bit you could soak just the waist in water and it should work without taking out too much dye. Just let me know, I ordered some 33's from blackbird so whatever. I'm also not 100% firm on $95 shipped so if you have another price let me know and I'll see what we can work out.


Front (dunno why its vertical, my camera's motion sensor is messed up I think, and the dot on the right of the picture is from the camera, its not on the jeans)






I sat on a park bench, and some how these two parts got rubbed. The picture makes it look 10x worst than it really is, but its definitely something to note. This one is the middle of the back, between the two pockets. The second picture is the most accurate picture of the real colors regarding what was rubbed.



This is on the bottom left of the right back pocket.



I'm looking for closer to 90ish, because these are basically brand new.

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