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How To Melt an Ice Queen's heart


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it depends what's ur final goal.. fuck? relationship? or just be friend?

Ice queens act cold because they want to protect themselves and not to show weakness or being vulnerable.. that's their problem, but inside their hearts.. they want to be loved (but scared to get hurt..) make sure she is this type. if the girl is total crazy cold as ice on your balls, why you even bother to melt the ice? so here is what i have (currently working and working well)

i have this ice queen.. it started off weird... i just start talk to her little by little.. it takes time, by the time i told her i like her, she pretty much told me I have no chance at all.. i was like cool.. it's fine.. so just be there for her and spend time w/ her.. show her the different sides of you, you will melt her heart in no time..

sorry to break it to you, but you are not dating a real ice queen.

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Dude, there's not set universal pattern, girls aren't computers, just like dudes...

Wait I lied, whipping it out works everytime!!

Oh and people (usually americans) that use manuals and technical talk to get laid were on the receiving end of too many wedgies in high school.

wait. girls are not computers??? i've been living a lie....

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Uh. And to all those people that say that you can't use methods and rules, I used to believe the same thing until I kept doing the same things that worked before over and over and they continue to work. I think people like to think they have more free will and aren't predictable and categorizable but shit, we're all made of the same DNA and millions of years of evolution and biological conditioning can't change a woman to be attracted to an alpha male. It's nature stupid.

That’s a nice mix of lack of knowledge of anthropology, biology and blind belief in common wisdom (including the always nice social Darwinism).

1) Human beings are not one of the species where alpha-males are an applicable concept. Maybe if deers develop a society similar to ours they can get to discuss the joys of being an alpha male but, just like social Darwinism, this is a non-scientific piece of common wisdom.

2) The whole “in nature†discussion comes from 18th century philosophers who wanted to establish what “man in state of nature†(before being in contact with the corrupting influence of society) was like and find successful social configurations that way. Advances in anthropology and just plain old logic have showed that this is a flawed concept at best; man and society having been born at the exact same time (I’m simplifying the reasoning here but you get the idea).

3) Interestingly enough man does have an extremely small % of innate abilities compared to other species (and a large % of learned). Answers to complex social interactions usually have too many different steps and variables to be innate. Not to forget free will, cultural influence and all that jazz.

4) That doesn’t mean that what works for you is total crap, just that you don’t know why it works. I would question the psychological wisdom of falling into cliché patterns, which could lead, at best to be a boring one-trick pony and at worse to depersonalization.

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That’s a nice mix of lack of knowledge of anthropology, biology and blind belief in common wisdom (including the always nice social Darwinism).

1) Human beings are not one of the species where alpha-males are an applicable concept. Maybe if deers develop a society similar to ours they can get to discuss the joys of being an alpha male but, just like social Darwinism, this is a non-scientific piece of common wisdom.

2) The whole “in nature†discussion comes from 18th century philosophers who wanted to establish what “man in state of nature†(before being in contact with the corrupting influence of society) was like and find successful social configurations that way. Advances in anthropology and just plain old logic have showed that this is a flawed concept at best; man and society having been born at the exact same time (I’m simplifying the reasoning here but you get the idea).

3) Interestingly enough man does have an extremely small % of innate abilities compared to other species (and a large % of learned). Answers to complex social interactions usually have too many different steps and variables to be innate. Not to forget free will, cultural influence and all that jazz.

4) That doesn’t mean that what works for you is total crap, just that you don’t know why it works. I would question the psychological wisdom of falling into cliché patterns, which could lead, at best to be a boring one-trick pony and at worse to depersonalization.

^^^ i bet this pick up line is a hit with the ladies.

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Guest itsmeJT
c'mon you know the girl. The one you really want to talk to / get to know / become friends with / date / fuck. Maybe she's a co-worker, maybe you have a class with her, maybe you just see her quite often. But MAN she's an ice queen. She won't start conversations with you unless they're related to something like work, or school like "did you do the homework?" or "could you go do a stock check on RSA2300?" I KNOW YOU KNOW THIS GIRL. What the fuck how do you thaw her icey heart, basically how the hell do you shoot the breeze with people like this.


life on the roads crazy it's not nice im tryna break free so i try living life 9 to 5 for little p but it didnt work now im back on the road tryna blurt out lyrically but my fam cant stand me cos the music life aint brought me no money yet so i got to resort to plan b back on the roadside where the tramps sleep in the cold nights with the low lifes tryna stack p

police roll by in a transit so i plan quick look for a getaway pray for a better day

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