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Photo log of a messy roommate


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it was cooler, until you "hehe'd" ... i heard some comedian talking about this yesterday... should guys 'hehe'?

for some reason it works if a asian male does it.

maybe its the anime stigma'attached to them?

the thought of any male sitting at his pc typing out "hehehehehe" is unacceptable

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yo i can second showbiz's fucking house owning this thread. i didn't even really like looking at the kitchen, nevermind the thought of food being cooked and eaten there. how bout that sink filled with fucking aids? gahhhhhhh.....clean your house and take that plate out the wall.

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how are you pronouncing this shit though...is it "hee hee" or "heh heh"

heh heh is acceptable

truth, for your last two posts.

if its the old-fat-man's heh heh type laugh thats iight.

but hee hee is like a schoolgirls.... not that schoolgirls are bad... but when we have ken laughing like schoolgirls, there could be a problem.

I'm thinking i should take some pics of my house when i get back there tonite.

this thread'll never be the same


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I should do this with my girlfriend... her room is like mrip's roommate's side... glorified dresser. 50% of my crap ends up on my floor, because she always sleeps in my room because my bed is more comfortable, and she has no storage space in my room.

Since she's started working at Amex I've turned into a full on nagging housewife, I swear.

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my roomate aint messy but he dis fat mexican whos so annoying. just lays on his bed all day and talks on phone all day. wonder what plan he has. does he juz hab to gossip? i love my ese friends but dis spic fuck him. dude he so nasty too pop pimple all day. i hate his nnoying chuckle and he play fucking fuck songs over and over like i got my drink and my two step fuck dat song i want thum thoulja boy.

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I should do this with my girlfriend... her room is like mrip's roommate's side... glorified dresser. 50% of my crap ends up on my floor

the same with my boyfriend which is probably why i dont go over much and refuse to have sex in there until its clean..

he told me he made some rice to eat with his roommates. a week later im in the kitchen and the cooker is filled with brown gunk.

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Second week of school we learned that removing the sofa cusions led directly to the carpeted floor. For one year we would lift the sofa cusion and deposit our plates and trays (waste and all) inside the cushion. Toward the beginning we had some pretty clean plates, but toward the middle of the semester we had pices of chicken, fruit roll-up, smoothies, yogurt, etc down there. Out of sight out of mind. If you go to UCSD and live in P5 at Marshall, I was told you could still smell the stench.

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My college roomate used to cook his meat on my George Foreman Grill (which I didn't mind). You know that oblong bowl that you place at the bottom to catch all the grease? Well this dude didn't use the grease catcher and let that shit drip all over the kitchen counter, which hardened to a rock-like lard state because he didn't clean it for who the hell knows why.

He then drops my GF Grill and breaks it (note: it was the industrial sized one). He "buys" me a new one, which happens to be the smallest GF Grill you can buy. And it ends up taking it with him when he moved out.

To get him back me and my friends got drunk and punched holes in the walls of the apartment hall and blamed it on him, and the landlord believed us.

Random roommate trash talk:

1) took mattress out to the living room constantly to have sex with his girl (note: he had his own room...with lock and no roomates). I don't know if he was trying to prove something.

2) Threw (which broke) his iMac against the wall because his printer failed to print his paper for class.

Sorry, this became general shit talk rather than nasty-food-remnant-left-by-roommate talk.

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