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The Cobra Snake


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Cobrasnakes the fuckin' business! He takes party photos, so who gives a fuck? I love it when people hate because he's up on Vice, American Apparel, Svedka, etc. The dudes just having fun, and Shepard Fairey, Neckface and others let the dude lurk, so he must be doing something right... Right? Right!

Big ups Mark! Los Angeles represent.



By the way... What does this have to do with Supershopping? You gonna cop a tee? I should hope so...


Edited by TragicBliss on Aug 2, 2005 at 02:22 PM

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This shit is fucking terrible!

Whatever happened to trying? Trying . Ever heard of it?

Sorry to be a dick, but is this website just for people to submit the same boring shit everyone else is up on?'

It's all the same!!!

Get some style, it's not that hard!!! Don't be so lazy!

If you're Mr. Artist and everybody and their fucking dog has a American Apparel T-shirt Sweatshop Free T-shirt line, why should anybody care?

Are your designs better? Ask yourself....what's different about them?

"The dudes just having fun, and Shepard Fairey, Neckface and others let the dude lurk, so he must be doing something right... Right? Right!"

Are you kidding me???

Man, I WAY prefer the dudes taking pictures of their jeans every 3 weeks to lazy-bones, making half-assed derivatives of bad ideas in the first place....

You might as well ban me now if this is what it's all about.

That, and The Hundreds. Don't get me started on "drippy" paint t-shirt graphics...

I expect better from ALL OF YOU GUYS.

You all have good taste, that's why this site exists...it's time to start using it.

The Rabbit Of Seville

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eyh man hence the "was" on it,.. it was back in february for the NME awards in London, hes a cool geezer,...we wer throing beer and shit all over him he didnt give a fuck, one of my friends tried to smash up his camera he just soaked her,... good lad

hes fuckin everywhere though, taking pics of bloc party ALL THE TIME, vice parties n shit he was at glastonbury too,.. iv seen him a fare amount of times in London and hes from LA its mad..

but i like him cause its recording the crack whore scene of today is somtimes not so glamorous fashions, must admit there are some HOT fukin bitches in that website,..

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