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Sci-Fi / Horror Movies

Guest DUM

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Ghosts and serial killers are cool and shit but I want aliens/robots/mutants killing people please!

They Live was good, and Shivers is one of my favorites...I'm looking for stuff kinda like Resident Evil-ish? They're always fun to watch and I also kinda wanna jack the aesthetic for my site/designs/blah even though some other people are already doing it (better).

but yeaaaaah...thanks.

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Uhm Blade Runner? Not very Res. Evil'ish...but is the grandaddy of sci-fi cyborg murder...well, sci-fi period.

28 Days Later - You probably know that one...

Vs. / Versus - I forget if it's Japanese or Korean...but the shit has zombies, gore, and over the top kung fu action.

the old Dawn of the Dead series - Zombies

the old Hills Have Eyes - the new one was good gory mutant fun...but the old one has that classic 70's Chainsaw Massacre film aesthetic...plus it had that real live mutant dude whowas in wild b-movies (if you look it up, I'm sure you'll know who I'm talkin' about...he probably has more movies in his resume that would suit your search)

Evil Dead series - zombies and what not

I had a long weekend...can't recall many more at the moment.

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Fritz Lang " Metropolis" (1927)

William Cameron Menzies "Things to come" ( 1936)

Robert Wise' "The day the earth stood still" (1951)

Byron Haskin " war of the worlds" (1953)

Fred M Wilcox "Forbidden planet" (1956)

Stanley Kubrick's " 2001: a space oddssey" (1968)

Andrei Tarkovsky "Solaris" (1972)

Bryan Forbes " the stepford wives" (1975)

Steven Spielberg " close encounters of the third kind" (1977)

Ridley Scott "Bladerunner " (1982)

Andre Niccol "Gattaca" (1997)

The Wachowski brothers "The Matrix " (1999)

Micheal Winterbottom "Code 46" (2003)

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  superBobo said:
^^ you´ve actually seen it? the trailer looks... intriguing.

actually I havnt, but I truly am anticipating watching it... ive been waiting to see it but just waiting for some friends to find the time as well. dragons have been sort of an inside joke in my group so I cant say I expect the movie to be amazing to everyone, I know I'll have a good time watching it.

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the thing------john carpenter

horror/sci-fi before cgi; gore looks proper slimey, gooey and icky


life force----tobe hooper

aka "space vampires"

i admit it has been a while since i've seen this one, but it is so fucking good and uh... bad.

and "bad taste" by that new zealander guy... uh. you know. the guy with the beard.

another one of those sci-fi horror flicks

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  sybaritical said:
Bladerunner is waaaaay beyond "cyborg murder"

You just want thrills and spills or you want proper cerebral science fiction?

Both are good ...

Yes, I know this...but I just kept it beyond simple for the sake of brevity...plus I wasn't quite sure what he wanted beyond cyborgs/zombies/mutants and some action (I obviously alluded to the fact that Blade Runner is the king of the king sci-fi flicks)...so that would mean a bit more than just "cyborg murder," at least that's what I would assume from hearing/reading something like that.

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  denimdestroyedmylife said:
the thing------john carpenter

horror/sci-fi before cgi; gore looks proper slimey, gooey and icky


life force----tobe hooper

aka "space vampires"

Yes and YES.

Also...Brazil is pretty bugged out.

Since homeboy mentioned Matrix...I'll chime in with Equilibrium...an excellent film with Christian Bale...it's NOT a Matrix clone...people hated because it had a similar look to the all black, long coats, shades, metallica of the Matrix...and it had some sick gunplay...but it's definitely totally different (the content/story, philosophy...plus a MUCH better lead actor).

There's also some great Anime dealing with that type of shit...


Ghost In The SHell 1 & 2

Wicked City (can't remember if that's the original title or if that's the Domestic rename)

Neo Tokyo

Devilman series

Fist of the North Star


...but that all could go into a topic about "sci-fi Anime"...nonetheless, excellent viewing material, definitely not the cutesy bullshit that's out there.

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DDML mentioned brain dead aka dead alive directed by peter jackson which is quite possibly the best semi-modern not japanese horror movies, at least in terms of the amazing amount of gore/awesome deaths (lawnmower)

do you want gore? 80s cheese? serial killer biopic? cerebral thriller?

heres my shortlist

sleepaway camp

last house on the left

henry portrait of a serial killer

return of the dead

cannibal holocaust

guinea pig series (esp. flower of flesh and blood)

fulci's zombi/zombie/whatever


anything (but especially beware:children at play because its awesome) by troma

i could go for days, horror movies are awesome

oh and if you can find it, i don't even know if its on the net yet, this new mexican flick called the orphanage.. looks scary as hell

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alright well.

DUM, im just gonna throw this to ya


the stage6 divx section has the best selection of off-kilter sorta "oh i didnt know that one" movies on the who site. you gotta make an account at stage6 and change your filter settings on that website to view a lot of them, but thats where i go for most of my horror/sci-fi movies. unfortunately, its hard to find the old peter jackson movies on there cause they get to much attention and get taken down, so -


Braindead (aka Dead Alive!)

Meet the Feebles

Bad Taste!

The Frighteners

^those are the classic peter jackson sci-fi/gross out movies. you'll love them.

i dont really wanna make a super long list, thats why i just put up the site i use. enjoy!


this one's important - possibly one of the most badass/awesome/sweetest/fucking amazing movies ever:

CEMETERY MAN aka Dellamorte, Dellamore

possibly the best movie in the genre...ever.

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  sean_ said:
i keep forgetting which is which, is it bad taste or meet the feebles with the puppets and shit? that was a fucking weird movie.

meet the feebles was mostly puppets, and Bad Taste was costumes, but some puppetry if you pay attention. all of his early stuff is whacky, but great.

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  DUM said:
Thanks, sean. sounds good.

SB, gimme some names.

Here you go DUM. Enjoy!

Three Extremes by Fuit Chan, Chan-Woo Park and Takashi Miike

Tetsuo: The Iron Man by Shinya Tsukamoto

Electric Dragon 80,000V by Ishii Sogo

Lady Snowblood by Toshiya Fujita

Acacia by Park Ki-hyung

Sky High by Ryuhei Kitamura

Casshern by Kazuaki Kiriya

The name Takashi Miike speaks for itself.

Check out the Masters of Horror series which was banned from American theaters.

Full Metal Yakuza

Ichi The Killer


The whole Guinea Pig Series is intense hardcore.

Guinea Pig 2: Flower of Flesh And Blood by Hideshi Hino

Guinea Pig 4: Mermaid In A Manhole by Hideshi Hino

Guina Pig 5: Android of Notre Dame by Kazuhito Kuramoto

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  DUM said:
Jeep, awesome thanks! cant rep yet.

no prob.

you probably cant rep cause you've only neg repped me in the past. haha

anyways, use that site wisely. it can be your best friend/worst enemy. you gotta watch movies as soon as their posted or they'll disappear.

one im watching right now, which isn't helping my shit mood (see superconfessional)

is Old Boy

seen it already, but its a fun/fucked up watch.

look up Toyko Gangster and other japanese pulp films. their not sci-fi, but their damn violent, and you can see where tarantino gets a lot of it.

also, the movie tarantino claims got him into films: My Bloody Valentine, possibly where the band also got its name..

and if you have time/interest Grindhouse: Planet Terror/Death Proof

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