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Are jeans supposed to be this tight?


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Oh. In that case, I owe everyone who participated in a tight-fit Nudie thread an apology. For a few seconds after seeing that photo, I thought all of you were insane. :)

HOWEVER, I also found these Super Slim photos in the MyNudie Galleries.

Here's my apology:



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@sway: Are those folds at the top of the thigh and at the knee part of the fit?

Thanks for being an impromptu model. That's one of the best looking photos of the fit I've seen, and makes me want to hunt up distant (and rich) relatives in Holland and Sweden.

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@sway: Are those folds at the top of the thigh and at the knee part of the fit?

Thanks for being an impromptu model. That's one of the best looking photos of the fit I've seen, and makes me want to hunt up distant (and rich) relatives in Holland and Sweden.

--- Original message by josepidal on Jul 26, 2005 01:50 AM

The creases around the knee areas are called honeycombs, and develop as you wear-in dry jeans. It's actually a desired effect. As for the folds at the top of the thigh, I guess my ass ain't fabulous enough to fill out the entire seat. I think also the rear pockets still feel kinda stiff, and they tend to cause that area to fold up like that... I've only worn these for about 3 weeks, so they should break-in some more after a few more weeks.
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Classic, you guys are excellent sleeping in your jeans. I remember when I was a kid and got these ace trainers called "Radicals!" they were when velcro straps came out in a big way, I wore them to bed cause I thought I was so cool

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saw the nudi denim at project ny- was pretty good - but they seem to be hotter for girls.

--- Original message by stickykrylon on Jul 26, 2005 01:34 PM

Nudies only makes jeans for men... well, except for that Super Slim Kim model, which I think has been discontinued. Denim Birds is their women's line....
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Denim sleeper here!!...i feel so relieved to be able to admit this to other...i'm coming out of the closet!! ha ha

does the indigo bleed? yes depending on the brand. My APCs bled a lot so you know how i got around it? I wore a pair of very thin, very loose/baggy addidas track pants over them. (thin and baggy/loose to be somewhat comfortable) I know that sounds ridiculous but I'm someone who likes to crank up the AC really high to the point of needing multiple blankets so having on two pair of pants just keeps me warm.

My veggie Nudies do not bleed however, although they are wearing very nicely.

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