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ipod 5.5 out sept 4th


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Audio quality has been going backwards since around 1980. First CD (Acceptable trade off in convenience and sonic ability from LP), then MD (same) now MP3 (sounds like fucken garbage but you can carry around 40,000 songs).

People are really dumb. I fell for it for a while too. But new and popular doesnt equal good. ipod is good for previewing new shit but I carry fucken CDs and a decent discman. Puts a smile on my face when I can actually hear everything in the music and it comes through so clear and so loud. Fuck ipod, the crappy source and crappier DA converter makes it sound like its being played through mud.

Quality over quantity. Anyone know where I can buy an LP walkman?

i try to explain this shit but no one gives a fuck

i dunno why you're shooting your load over lp

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When I'm listening for real you can bet I'm doing it with a nice source and a good pre-amp.

As far as iPod hardware is concerned, there is some VERY nice shit in those little packages.

Granted their sonic ability is hampered by the format and output method, but its still really nothing to scoff at.

If you have THAT much of a problem with MP3s on your iPod UI, then run RockBox and and reap the rewards of the small form factor, stylish design, AND format of your choice.

Also, don't bullshit yourself into believing that a CD ripped without error in a nice format will sound worse on any given DAP than it will in a discman.

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Audio quality has been going backwards since around 1980. First CD (Acceptable trade off in convenience and sonic ability from LP), then MD (same) now MP3 (sounds like fucken garbage but you can carry around 40,000 songs).

People are really dumb. I fell for it for a while too. But new and popular doesnt equal good. ipod is good for previewing new shit but I carry fucken CDs and a decent discman. Puts a smile on my face when I can actually hear everything in the music and it comes through so clear and so loud. Fuck ipod, the crappy source and crappier DA converter makes it sound like its being played through mud.

Quality over quantity. Anyone know where I can buy an LP walkman?

just go lossless.

one reason i hate cds is because they scratch so easily. and its cheaper to go the mp3 route. thank god for oink.

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My brother picked up one of the new Nano's and I take some of it back its actually really thin, think like( you'd never even know it was in you're back pocket thin, even if you were sitting on it.) and the screen quality is amazing for such a small size. The cover flow music selection is cool but rather slow to scroll thru when your looking for something in a hurry. Overall though I seriously debating even bothering with the itouch anymore.

thanks for making me look at them closer Mike.

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My brother picked up one of the new Nano's and I take some of it back its actually really thin, think like( you'd never even know it was in you're back pocket thin, even if you were sitting on it.) and the screen quality is amazing for such a small size. The cover flow music selection is cool but rather slow to scroll thru when your looking for something in a hurry. Overall though I seriously debating even bothering with the itouch anymore.

thanks for making me look at them closer Mike.

The review that I read said that the new nanos should be considered smaller scale version of the standard ipod, instead of new nanos...which makes sense. They basically incorporated everything the normal ipod has, but in a tiny casing using a flash memory.

I had to quote my own name, but gimme gimme! I want one!

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I love the coverflow in the new itunes...and I lost my ipod in NY :( so I'm deciding what to get...I'm goint to buy an imac probably and you get that $149 rebate if you buy an ipod. Probably a touch, I don't want an iphone because I break cellphones constantly.

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I love the coverflow in the new itunes...and I lost my ipod in NY :( so I'm deciding what to get...I'm goint to buy an imac probably and you get that $149 rebate if you buy an ipod. Probably a touch, I don't want an iphone because I break cellphones constantly.

Just be careful with doing that. From what I recall apple won't offer the rebate on the new gen iPods. Sort of gives them the chance to get rid of old stock.

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On audio quality alone, any of the soon to be released Cowons (A3, Q5, X7) blows away Apple. Then you factor in the versatility, features, and the available upgrades/mods... ...

Hell, I'm sure Creative's next gen Vision will even beat Apple's current flagships (in quality, not quite sales...yet) if you're looking at the more 'mainstream', non tech-geeky crowd.

I think Apple has long hit their plateau like when Sony thought they were the shit dominating Walkmans and Discmans...this is the beginning of the end...or at least decline. I mean where is the innovation/forward progression? Bleh, just my 0.02's as a former iPod fan-user.

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On audio quality alone, any of the soon to be released Cowons (A3, Q5, X7) blows away Apple. Then you factor in the versatility, features, and the available upgrades/mods... ...

Hell, I'm sure Creative's next gen Vision will even beat Apple's current flagships (in quality, not quite sales...yet) if you're looking at the more 'mainstream', non tech-geeky crowd.

I think Apple has long hit their plateau like when Sony thought they were the shit dominating Walkmans and Discmans...this is the beginning of the end...or at least decline. I mean where is the innovation/forward progression? Bleh, just my 0.02's as a former iPod fan-user.

totally with you. would rep, but couldnt.

i had the 3rd gen and 4th gen ipods and was pretty happy with them, but then my 3rd gen broke and i sold my 4th gen to my sister, and replaced it with a cowon.

it took me like a week to transition, but once i got used to it, it blew my old ipods out of the water. unlike my 3rd gen ipod, my cowon didnt break when dropped (down the stairs, on the street, etc.), and i found the drag and drop system more convenient than itunes.

then this year, when i had to use my cousins ipod, i noticed that it lagged alot (im not sure, but it seemed like the processor was much slower than the cowons), and the touch pad was way too sensitive, to the point of annoyance (add to that, i was mostly using it in a car with very stiff springs).

ya. i think ill wait for the x7.

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We can go on listing better products than the ipod line as far as sound quality and amount of space. However, I love the user interface, itunes, and design. We can throw in the great Rio Karma but the thing is ugly and I'm sure with the music I listen to, SQ its not at the top of the list. To each, his own.

On another good note... I HIGHLY recommend the first gen shuffle. You can get the 1GB for $39 shipped at iPodmechanic.com while supplies last! The thing blows away my 4G iPod and is highly praised as apples best sounding ipod and I def agree. With that said, I ordered the 16GB iPodtouch and I'm crossing fingers it sounds as good as my shuffle.


Their customer serivce blows and shipping was SLOW. But for $39, well worth the trouble.


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