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Converting a Girl to Better Music


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Dude, you're simply tricking yourself. Smart and Britney Spears don't go together...

You're just attracted to her, thus believing that she's perfect. Since stuff like music taste can be judged by a simple comparison of names, that's the only area you've noticed she's flawed in. If you were to cut off your dick (well, it would be a more complex surgery, actually), I'm pretty sure you would find she's rotten through and through.


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  Tiranis said:
Dude, you're simply tricking yourself. Smart and Britney Spears don't go together...

i guess they go together sometimes. the salutatorian of my graduating class literally listed "mainstream" as her favorite, and sometimes only, genre of music on whatever social networking profile she had and she was mad serious.

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i've seriously met someone this summer who straight out said,

"i don't really like music."

and i was like, "what the fuck?"

just inconspicuously play your shit in the car, if she likes it she'll tell you. i mean, good conversation comes out of similar tastes in music, but you like her alot already, so you really shouldn't worry about it. and honestly, if she doesn't already like good music, how can you expect for her to actually and fully understand the music you listen to? the most she'll understand is what sounds good and what doesn't, and i'm not saying that's not a valid reason for liking an artist or song, but i'm sure you're on that analytical level, so just don't expect too much i guess.

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  Serge said:
I live in one of Vancouver's suburbs. This girl is probably the coolest in the area. Plus I heard she gives awesome blowjobs.

Ooooh wait wait...I overlooked this. Okay...this is what you do... pretend to really really love the artist known as Britney Spears...then she will admire your amazing taste and open wide...fuck her throat...(a few times)...

Since she is the coolest girl in the area, you will be noticed by all of the less cool girls who will probably be a bit sharper or at least have better taste in music. Drop Britney girl for one of these girls since said girl will be open to upping her coolness due to her insecurities...and coolness is much easier to achieve than good musical taste...that's how you shine a nickel into a dime.

Oh yea...while you have your way with her face...play some of Britney's music in the background for novelty's sake.

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  doczein said:
i guess they go together sometimes. the salutatorian of my graduating class literally listed "mainstream" as her favorite, and sometimes only, genre of music on whatever social networking profile she had and she was mad serious.

Well, just because a person is school-smart, doesn't mean they know anything about life or you can have a proper conversation with them. The top students of my high school were impossible to have a real conversation with, unless you want to discuss their marks and how many problems they have with studying, or small-talk.

If she has a shitty music taste, then she has a shitty movie taste, then she has a shitty book taste, if she reads at all, and so on.

Get laid, if you want to... and that's that.

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Carl's suggestion with the mixing both tastes of music is a good idea .. haven't tried it myself, because my music collection doesn't consist the shitty stuff that I dislike.

I've found the easiest way to do this is by taking the girl to concerts. Seems like if she enjoys the concert and has a good time, she'll want to check out more of the band's stuff and other groups similar to it .. but it all depends on how open minded to new music she is in the first place.

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She was one of those girls that I always creeped on in high school. She dressed almost up to superfuture-standards and she didn't think she was better then anyone else. I also thought she listened to at least sorta good music mostly because she wasn't from around this shitty neighbourhood. She came from Germany.

Yeah the concert idea is pretty good. There aree some pretty good concerts coming up around here. I'll harsh try it.

and it's not like I'm trying ot make her ONLY listen to my music. I'm trying to get all that shitty music off her head like Britney Spears or fucking country music. I can't stand that stuff.

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