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superconfessional ain't shit


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read THIS site, people are fucked up yo


one time i was hanging out at my boyfriends house while he was at work and i got really bored so i decided to play with his ferret and tried to put it up my vagina but it bit me! it hurt a lot and my boyfriend wondered why i had bite marks on my vagina...


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I think Im better than everyone else.

I listen to better music, I do better in school, I go to cooler places, I wear cooler clothes, I have deeper thoughts.

I also think Im an asshole.

No one know what I think about them, because Im always pretending to be upbeat. I actually hate them.

Oh, looks like I'm late, SuFu'ers already found this site! ;)

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Interesting site .. haven't seen it before. Another similar one that I check with some fucked up stuff sent in to is Post Secret.

But anyway, this confession had me crackin' up.

i work at mcdonalds and steal so much money, simply by neglecting to ring up orders or parts of orders.

i dont feel bad, at all.

i regret that i didnt start doing this sooner. we're getting cameras next week.

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"Anyway, this one time when we were having sex she farted so loud that she pooped on the bed sheets. She was so embarrassed and ending up crying... but the reason why she cried wasn't because she pooped on the sheets, it was because I couldn't stop laughing at her. In fact, I laughed to the point where I started to fart like a machine gun. I couldn't stop myself.

So, in the end, she broke up with me because she felt I wasn't "mature" enough to handle her "mature" farts."


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"my boyfriend dumped me over skype, and now he wont talk to me.. everytime i text him or anything, he just tells me to go away, and that he doesnt want me anymore....."

Icarus dumped Sidneylo?


Sidneylo dumped Icarus?

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i pretend to take my birth control every day in front of my boyfriend.. i hide it under my tongue and take it out when hes not looking. im so blessed to be pregnant - he doesnt know yet.


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I like to have sex with fat chicks but then i get like...i dunno how t describe it..... i spose 'motion sickness' from the movement of their rolls and throw up on them. I've had a few eat the spew afterwards and i have to admit it turned me on.

funniest thing i've read all day
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i fail at everything i try to accomplish. school, losing weight, making friends, keeping a job.

sometimes i really wish i would've gone through with suicide when i was ten, instead of chickening out.

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"Last night my cousin and I got a little drunk at a party and I ended up fucking her brains out. I have always thought she was attractive, but we are cousins so she was off limits, but man she was the best lay I have ever had. I really want it to happen again, but I really can't bring it up with her."

"I've been having sex with my 23 year old cousin for about 6 months now...she's just told me she's pregnant and that the baby is mine. both our parents are gonna freak when they find out as she doesn't believe in abortion so she's got to have the baby. I'll stand by her and support the baby but the bad part is I'm worried about the sex with her stopping."


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double post, but its worth it...

'i've slept with more guys than you think:







and i've messed around with:



it's all in the past, but i'll never tell you because we are getting married and no one wants to marry a slut.

ps - one of those was your own brother, and his dick is bigger than yours. i'm sorry"\



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