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montreal sucked!!

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Just went on an unplanned, unorganized trip to montreal, with $100 in my pocket. No time for sneakers or clothes. Not being 21, I obviously got really drunk. It was hot, we hit a few hotel popols, but what the fuck? The birds don't even turn their head when you say hi. Serious attitude towards the greatest nation. Went to some bar, DJ was playing the straight Jams from the late 90's - early thousands. Some Nelly Ride wit me. Basically every junk song that should have been thrown in the garbage 3 years ago. I asked "got any mike jonez?" And try to talk to anyone, they tell you in perfect English, "Sorry I don't speak English" The strip clubs were hype, full contact, but the hos try to take all your money. Me and my boy had high hopes of taking a few girls back to the room, but out of 3 million dimes, they all seem to prefer the sweaty hairy chests and Diesel tank tops. Shit is wack!!

Looky here, it's just the way the cookie tear. Prepare to get hurt and mangled like Kurt Angle, rookie year.

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Did you go around telling people you're from the 'greatest nation'?

If you were at a spot playing shit music, why didn't you go somewhere else?

Did you really go to strip clubs expecting to pick up girls?

If you're not a sweaty hairy chested Diesel tank top type, why were you hanging out in places that they frequent?

Shit's not wack.

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Problem #1; "Serious attitude towards the greatest nation."

Problem #2; "I asked "got any mike jonez?"

Problem #3; "but the hos try to take all your money. " Do you really think strippers like you for you? Money, that's all that they're there for.

Problem#4; Obviously you didn't research the right clubs for you.

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I hate work. I didn't do shit except get drunk and chill and try to talk to people. Negative reactions all around. They all look like homosexuals, and I guess thats what the chicks are into. P.S. I didn't really ask if he had any Mike Jonez, herbert.

Looky here, it's just the way the cookie tear. Prepare to get hurt and mangled like Kurt Angle, rookie year.

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hehe everyone seems to have gone to montreal over the weekend.

kid i dont know what u did but the girls there are the nicest, the prettiest (well there and israel is a close tie) you obvioulsy didnt get to go to the best clubs.

upper club on thursday was sick, aria on friday was even sicker with sharam of deep dish coming.

you just gotta know whats happening.

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That is funny. Sorry dude but maybe the problem isn't with MTL.

The girls over there are prolly some of the friendliest (and hottest) you will ever see. If you go to MTL and have problems meeting girls that really says a lot. Practically ANYBODY even the fairly aesthetically challenged can get laid in Montreal.

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yo boys, I am basing this all on one bad expireince. I was told to go to the bar Tokyo (which I am referring to) and tahts the only palce we went, because we had no money. It was late and we felt really let down, but seriously, the girls were so turned off that we were American. Maybe it was my "god bless america" shirt. I dont know, Im sure its hype, but I was jsut at the wrong spot. Wasnt feeling the crowd, the only thing nice about the girlies was their figures. Attitudes were phbllt.

Looky here, it's just the way the cookie tear. Prepare to get hurt and mangled like Kurt Angle, rookie year.

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i just got back last week with my girl. spent 3 nights in the latin quarter by rue st catherine. happened to go during jazz fest which was lame but we had fun. ate cheese and drank wine above a crowd of 10k unfunky french canadians to a band billing themselves as the bomb squad...from nyc no less. jeez...try a music history lesson.

stayed at this awesome b&b that we stayed in last feb when we drove up to ski for a few days. angelica blue...great place...huge rooms, nice people. walked around the plateau and mont royal park the next day, saw war of the worlds at one of those massive mega mega plexs on rue st catherine ouest. next day, we rented bikes at the port and rode all over the city...to the top of mont royal park...awesome ride...great biking city...went to a tapas bar on duluth and st denis that night.

no real nightlife (at least compared to nyc)...wish we found some cool stuff but it was nice not having to check out the usual stuff on vacation. sonik records rules though...liked that place a lot.

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In montreal they have a thing we called 'le hole'.

it's basically a fun hole with a machine in it and a girl dancing in front of you.

next time you're there, try it. the casino has heated parking lots too in the winter.

It takes strength to be gentle and kind.

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Dude, I'm from MTL and there's a few things everyone needs to know before coming to this city:

This isn't an eastern european country a decade ago so flaunting you being American will get you nothing and keep getting you nothing.

You are right in that many dudes in this city dress like scumbag greasers, rocking Diesel, Energie, those bias cut stripe shirts, and pumas. I notice this, perhaps because I'm an anglophile. Note: there are almost 300k Italians and 125k Greeks in Montreal so the cheesy E-trash look is heavily embraced in this city...I liken it to the American Jackass, but it is the Montreal Jackass.

Tokyo is one of the wackest shitholes ever. I've been there twice in my life and refuse to go back.

Do not go to Crescent Street unless you want to chill with North/Central/South Jersey...yeah the hard rock was kickass...oh and we went to winston churchills and then we scored dank pot (worst pot ever) off some dude on St. Catharines and lit a doob in the hotel room that my 8 other boyz shared and then we tried going shopping but there's no fucking American Eagle/A+F/whatever.

Le Downtown has the hottest, most money grubbing, but really hot strippers Downtown. For BJs (80-100$) and full service (140-160$), go to Hilltop/Frontiere/Le Gentlemen/L'eclypse...all about 35minutes from Downtown montreal by car. Some are hot as hell.

If you're into pseudo-trendy/BS-VIP/supperclubs then roll to Buona Notte, Globe (which actually has good food), Time (Thursday are their "big" night, friday is c-note bottle night), and Med (used to be Mediterraneo...amazing food. Now just ok.). These places are full of the wealthier (some pseudo, the real wealthy ones are the really young trust-fund babies, approx 20ish years old). These places are full of the holier than thou attitude, but there ARE hot girls and can be a great time. Cafeteria is much smaller than the previously mentioned and is the same. it's full of people with whom I went to school (50% young, jewish, spoiled 20yo, the other 50%, 25-30yo people that were the 20 year olds 5-10 years ago). good place to score blow if that's what you're looking for/are into. I hate to admit, but I frequent these places a lot.

Le Pistol is pretty fun, pseudo-bohemian, but they have AMAZING cappucinos and is cool for a few drinks while on St. Laurent.

buddah bar (nice roof for a little sushi and sake), gogo (all french) are ok.

if you want to check out the most decrepit bar in montreal, go to Miami. It's hard to walk up the fucking stairs, with the wood being all warped and structurally unsound. the beer mugs are filthy, but it's an experience. ps. this is not dirty to be the "dirty bar." it really is a genuine shithole.

Ok, crossing lower St. laurent is a street called Prince-Arthur. if you want to drink beer outside on a pedestrian road, this is it. vol de nuit is chill. there's one on the northeast corner 50 yards down from St. laurent where 16-18yo english speaking prepschool girls/boys go to drink. they won't be welcoming to strangers (I know, i went to one of the prep schools), so don't go.

random live music...le swimming, metropolis, spectrum.

you wanna get fucked up real cheap and don't care how it gets done? peel pub on thursday (strong-island outpost), but has watered down $1 shots...20/pp will do it. drink them within 5 minutes then leave, then roll to carlos and pepes up the street on peel(same owners as Senior frogs), another jersey-swerving place, but get a large margarita. drink that in 5 minutes, leave. in approx 10-20 minutes of your time. you will be piss drunk for $30can. or go to McKibbin's on Wed. 25-30$ open bar, bottled beer. typical bullshit irish pub. drink as much as you can then leave.

you wanna get cheap american ass? Cheers on wed. nights ("ladies" night, girls drink for $1/drink). it sucks, but I have gotten laid here with random chicks, so have my friends, so has the guy standing next to you. fucking dump, a disgrace, but sometimes those

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I've experienced the tam-tams in the park.. it really is something else.

Montreal is an incredible city, just love it everytime, but I have also had a little trouble finding the chill spots among all the trash

Sblande.. that was a fucking amazing post! Many thanks!

I'm actually planning on visiting this weekend, with shopping in the plan, so if you would't mind providing a little more insight into what's good as far as shops.. or anything else.. I'd be grateful.

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you know what america is always gonna be great no matter what and i wouldnt live anywhere, just because it might be cool to be anti american doesnt mean you have to hop on the bandwagon. There will be a day when america is led by a moderate government and will the respect of the world again and all of you can flaunt your patriotism once more.

you know you have to pay your dues if you wanna sing the blues

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Um, I don't hop on bandwagons. Invading other countries for their resourses is frickin scary!

--- Original message by Serge d Nimes on Jul 19, 2005 04:38 PM

shouldve read what i wrote, my post was obviously pro america but agiasnt the current american government and it's policies. you probably dont even believe or know why you believe the things you profess. i'm tired of hearing from people like you all my life who are affiliated with views just because theyre convenient for the moment.

you know you have to pay your dues if you wanna sing the blues

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you know what america is always gonna be great no matter what and i wouldnt live anywhere, just because it might be cool to be anti american doesnt mean you have to hop on the bandwagon. There will be a day when america is led by a moderate government and will the respect of the world again and all of you can flaunt your patriotism once more.

--- Original message by emrinder on Jul 19, 2005 01:37 PM

if the "bandwagon" is the other 150 countries in the world than i guess youre right.

do you know why poverty stricken immigrants want to come to this country? because

a- american industries and the american government exploits their home countries and citizens (mexico, china, middle east etc..) so badly that it would still be better for them to come here, work illegally, for under minimum wages with no health care. or

b- our forign policy fails to protect thier basic human rights!

its not a matter of being cool, its a matter of being aware that almost all global problems that exist today

(war, terrorism, poverty, labor exploitation, chemical and nuclear weapons , polution, drug/medical industry abuse , inflation, natural resource shortages, etc...) are direct results of americas foriegn policy and the american peoples unwillingness to make dramatic lifestyle changes.

most lazy fat-ass americans dont give a shit about anything outside of thier starbucks drinking, mcdonalds eating, walmart shopping, reality tv show watching, hummer driving, pathetic lives. they are too busy wrapped up in thier narrow minded worlds watching pointless telivision shows, listening to britney spears and engaging in blind consumerism, to really make an effort to change anything-look at the last election!

by the time i retire, i will have no social security, no health care, i wont be able to afford medicine, and will have to put my kids through one of the most expensive college systems that exist with little or no help from the government.

this country will never have a truly just government, the 2 party system is designed to keep anyone who isnt wealthy out of high level politics. all the fund raising and lobbiests are either

a-medical/drug companies,

b-oil companies, or

c- media conglomerates.

i dont hate america or americans, but get real- most of the world exists outside of this country- and this is what the rest of the world thinks about the u.s.!

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