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Yoyos, Yoyos, and Yoyos...


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  kiya said:
Yeah, yoyos as hype? No way.. There's loads of yoyoers that have unsuccessfully attempted to make yoyoing cool for many years.


Yeah, I tried to make it cool for a while. No dice.

It's still hella fun, though. Plus, you can get some sick yo-yo fades on your denim, which causes people to wonder why you carry around enormous condoms in the pocket of your jeans...

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Guest JonasW

I started yoyoing in 1998 or so, way back in 5th grade. My best friend and I picked up yoyoing and would play during recess. We had some sweet wooden Apollo butterfly yoyo's, and the obligatory duncan Imperials and Butterflies. We were the yoyo kings of the playground, trying our best to outdo each other in tricks and getting all the little kiddies hooked.

Picked it up again in highschool. A buddy of mine used to keep a Pro-Yo in his backpack and would play with it from time to time. I had ditched alot of my friends at this point because they were starting to do stupid shit like huffing, pills, cold medicine, petty theft and throwing pumpkins through car windows. Got interested in yoyos again and surfed online to find out more info and tricks. Found it and got hooked again. Since then its been on and off.

So, No, I wouldn't say yoyo's are hype. Great way to have fun and chill while improving motor skills.

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Guest JonasW
  honghonglulu said:
just wondering if i'll get touched in the hood for calling someone a yoyoist?

Nah, unless your in the red light district.

Anybody get some sweet yo's yet?

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Sidneylo x DUM x Dino Might! x Kiya x New York Yoyo Contest


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I always tell the kids....

The difference between an amateur yo-yo player and a pro yo-yo player is WHAT you're doing when you hit yourself in the face.


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is it just a pure coincidence that the number one yo-yoer in the nation (as well as you other top yo-yoers) is into streetwear?

i mean i don't wanna step on anybody's feet here, but before i found out people were talking about yoyos on sufu, "yo-yo competition" would have brought to mind a big festival of pre-teens and single old men with greying beards and crappy dayjobs.

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  doczein said:
before i found out people were talking about yoyos on sufu, "yo-yo competition" would have brought to mind a big festival of pre-teens and single old men with greying beards and crappy dayjobs.

Mostly, that's what they are. You pretty much hit it.

The percentage of bad-ass yo-yo players with any sense of taste and style is remarkably small...which is why I naturally gravitated towards Kiya, who then introduced me to the world of bad-ass denim.

For the record, I know nothing about streetwear, and don't care. I'm just here for the denim. He's got me hooked, the sonofabitch!

So, to address the question under your question...there's no funny business going on here. Just the head-on collision of two unusual subcultures, in a very small quantity.

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  doczein said:
is it just a pure coincidence that the number one yo-yoer in the nation (as well as you other top yo-yoers) is into streetwear?

No it's not... these fuckers like Duncan and YoyoJam are making fucking millions infiltrating the streetwear hype and bleeding advertising for extra sales. Those $20 yoyo's add up...


Smug smile

Azn yoyo

Bape underwear (no sarcasm intended)


Nike Supreme Highs

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Guest JonasW

Its not a euphemism, at least not that I'm aware of.

I suppose if people are trying to make money, the saying "honey, I can be whatever you want me to be.." comes to mind..

It was mostly me trying to crack a lame joke.

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I was watching Wowowee today and there was this kid with a yoyo.

It looked like he detached the yoyo from its string threw it up, stretched the string out like a tight rope and caught it with the string again...Is that even possible? Crazy...

When I was in like 6th grade, there was a lot of yoyo hype. My parents got me a Yomega Raider I think it was for Christmas. Is that any good? I think I threw it somewhere in my garage when we moved.

  doczein said:
is it just a pure coincidence that the number one yo-yoer in the nation (as well as you other top yo-yoers) is into streetwear?

i mean i don't wanna step on anybody's feet here, but before i found out people were talking about yoyos on sufu, "yo-yo competition" would have brought to mind a big festival of pre-teens and single old men with greying beards and crappy dayjobs.

well they're Asian...they usually dress like that in Asia anyway without giving thought to it as "streetwear".

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  DJ2xTech said:
I was watching Wowowee today and there was this kid with a yoyo.

It looked like he detached the yoyo from its string threw it up, stretched the string out like a tight rope and caught it with the string again...Is that even possible? Crazy...

Look up a few posts at Sidney's photo.. That's our friend Eiji Okuyama, the current 4A World Champion.

That's what he does, exactly what you described above.

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Actually.. here's his freestyle from last year:


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  DJ2xTech said:

well they're Asian...they usually dress like that in Asia anyway without giving thought to it as "streetwear".

well, i was primarily addressing united states yo-yoers, not even asians in particular. i don't think just because they're asian and, despite living in the united states and often being born in the united states, they dress in a way that we would consider "streetwear" by default? that's like saying if he's chinese, he speaks fluent chinese without giving thought to it as a "foreign" language, cause he's ethnically chinese. i'm a u.s.-born indonesian and i have the hardest time speaking fluent bahasa.

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Hella yo-yo wear.

2 1/2 months of hard use, 4 hours a night, over pavement.

Counterweight play only.


Edited to add: Why is it just giving me a link to the image, and not the actual image?

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