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last time i was around haight ashbury, a lady just walked up to us at a bus stop and sold us some edibles.

i've heard good things about the consistency of budbarber stuff, but that may only be bay area. usually only time i get an edible is for returning 20 of the plastic containers from ARC healing center and getting a 10x brownie. that thing always destroys me.

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  phen3N said:
my sheldon black downstem has a pretty small hole at the bottom, and its causing some drag. anyone have downstem recommendations? something thats well diffused, lots of airflow, and easy to clean

i am so in love with HiSi. i think their downstems are the shit, flows so good and mine neeeeever clogs up. definitely helps a lot that i have a glass screened bowl (also HiSi, also love)

  frownz said:
grabbed some sour purp. stuff is beautiful and smokes amazingly. gonna snap some pix n post em tmrw. definitely one of my best pick ups as of recent.

had some stuuuuuuupid good sour purps from Divinity Tree last weekend. so tasty

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haha keepin it cutty man. what did you end up with? last time i had dolores edibles i got some cookies from a guy that were individually wrapped in plastic all nice, he said his uncle owned a pastry shop he had worked at since he was a kid and they made a ton of edibles. some of the best tasting cookies ive ever had and they got me good

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  connor said:
haha keepin it cutty man. what did you end up with? last time i had dolores edibles i got some cookies from a guy that were individually wrapped in plastic all nice, he said his uncle owned a pastry shop he had worked at since he was a kid and they made a ton of edibles. some of the best tasting cookies ive ever had and they got me good

Well, I actually bought a shroom rice krispy and pot one, too, but sold the pot one because there was no way I would eat it after eating that shroom shit. possibly best $10 ive ever spent haha

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  phen3N said:
my sheldon black downstem has a pretty small hole at the bottom, and its causing some drag. anyone have downstem recommendations? something thats well diffused, lots of airflow, and easy to clean

Alex K makes a good one. Liesure also makes a 6 arm one thats pretty sick!

  spaces said:
anybody fucking with trippy sticks?

I've been seeing more of these around. I'm curious about them since I've been getting into concentrates more. I hear they require a specific refill. I would like to check one out if you know of any shops that sell them in Socal.

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bho in ecigs should work, to my knowledge ecigs are basically vapes for tobacco. but I'm not sure if you can adjust the temperature on them which is important because tobacco and cannibanoids have different flash points for vaporization, the difference might be negligible though

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  Vincent. said:
Alex K makes a good one. Liesure also makes a 6 arm one thats pretty sick!

one of my friends has a 6 arm downstem and i dont like how easily it gets clogged, its not worth it for the extra diffusion (if there even is any). probably gonna go with the alex k showerhead

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