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best way to go, it's just a bong bowl. frosted glass joints (12-14mm). a standard bowl, mine was like $15

and dude you don't need to melt, if you get one that's wide it just balances perfectly and seals it, and so many bottles have that neck size. and can make steamrollers or be a chillum pinch haha. i be broke ya know

but i just lost this peace :(

i am sooooooooooo faded though goddamn i am high

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  curemyself said:
simon, thats alright, since theyre gone, treat yourself to a nice bong to make up for it.

do you guys know of any other internet music sites like pandora, last.fm, etc. ?

haha yea...i'm trying to get rid of my bong and diffusers for hopefully $125 + shipping and then get a Zumo...hopefully ^_^

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Making cereal bars with cinnnamon toast crunch and dark chocolate sauce on top.

Used the butter (very little) on some toast last night, and its fire. Last weeks brownies were mediocre, so I tweaked the recipe. I've still got about 1 1/2 cup of oil and maybe 2 1/2 cup butter leftover.

Cooking is fun :D:D



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  simon626 said:
I lost all my disk diffused bowls, ice pinch bowls, along with my ashcatcher....

I just got too faded and i have completely no idea where $75 worth of glass went. :/

items i lost saturday night, was too faded:



swiss card

pair of gloves

bowl head


blunt roach

luckily got my weed, wallet, and lighter back. i only realized i lost my weed:o

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Okay people i need your awesome advice!

I have about $250 dollars at my disposal for my new bong.

Should i get a roor zumo (regular orange label one) or a 20" straight shooter illadelph

Or should i get a hi si? Ive been looking at those three brands 'cause they have'em at a shop i go to.

What would you buy for $250?

Here are pix of the illy. I have a down payment on it but i can still change my mind. 138e9b70.jpg


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id recommend roor zumos all day. I have a roor zumo mini but it definitely cost me well over 250 (this one http://i42.tinypic.com/fzc8s0.jpg)

at your price range (and almost any price range) i dont think i could recommend any piece more than a sovereignty. Do some research online and youll see whats up. Best quality glass ive seen in person (incuding roor)

This site used to carry a badass 22'' sovereignty for only 300 but it doesnt seem like they carry it anymore


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  Augustus said:
I believe originating from Vermont, have you guys tried a popper? Basically pack the bottom with little tobacco and then spray the top with bud. Rip the whole bowl. Tried it for the first time last week and I got mad high off two. You also save a lot of weed.

yeah waterfalled some like 2 weeks ago inbetween snacks

sort of nasty taste tho

would always much rather do just a snapper and scorch the whole thing, suck all that thc out of that nugget. especially if not a lot weed nd a lot of heads, rather split up nug into snappers then pack a larger bowl imo

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  Augustus said:
I believe originating from Vermont, have you guys tried a popper? Basically pack the bottom with little tobacco and then spray the top with bud. Rip the whole bowl. Tried it for the first time last week and I got mad high off two. You also save a lot of weed.

this was pretty big in da 'burbs where i was from.

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i just had to "covertly" go up to my room to blaze a bowl...home for the holidays is wack like that. BUT there is a ton of dank munchies in the fridge so it kinda evens out.

i shit you not, bout 30 minutes ago my dad walked into the living room with a large ziplock bag full of fried chicken, shrimp, and catfish leftovers that arent going to eat themselves.

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