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New Slang Lingo - Any City


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OK, so I'm a young wordie, and am collecting hip & hot slang words, or rare use English words, new ones preferably that are street and used by the kool kids, but location-specific ones too, like a word that's used in Sidney for something, but not anywhere else. An example? Well, er, Moeuf in France is used for Girlfriend. That kinda thing. Any other wordies out there?


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it's hard to say on a location-specific basis. there are east coast phrases that originate in one city and then spread through the metropolitan areas. for instance, a few years back, i started hearing all my philly friends use the expression "that's what's up" as a reply to pretty much anything in any context...you ask me what i did today, i tell you i went shopping, you reply, "that's what's up." or i tell you that the price of milk is sky-rocketing (which it is), and you respond with "that's what's up."

"good lookin' out" is popular too...i think it's was also a philly thing. it's used in place of "thank you." for instance, when you pass the salt, or hook me up with a contact or something, i reply "good lookin' out."

it spread to new york immediately...then a few months ago, i heard a bunch of kids in baltimore using these phrases in heavy rotation. of course, i'm just assuming it was a philly thing based on the people who were using it.

just a couple...i'll try to think of more for you.

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Back in high school these 2 Puerto Rican kids moved up from the Bronx and got me hooked on "Mad" as an expression for quantity and frequency. "Mega" and "Ultra" were soon to follow. Then I moved to California and everyone out there says "Hella" for the same purpose that East Coasters use "Mad". There is nothing more annoying than the word "Hella".

You should Google Bobbito Garcia and read some of his books, that'll give you plenty of insight into NY Hip Hop culture that has originated so much of the slang that we hear today.

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A friend of mine teaches 11 and 12 year old kids in Brooklyn. They use the term 'buns' to refer to someone being a pussy. Instead of saying "You're such a pussy" they'll say "You're so buns."

One of the kids didn't want to say buns in front of my friend (seeing as she's his teacher and all) and referred to it as "the b-word, you know, pussy".

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  • 2 years later...

i heard the term "brolick" around queens a few times. then i heard it in a jadakiss song. "my guns is brolick" . he meant bigger but it can also be used to describe person's muscular build.

"hookie" - dope party

i could prolly go on for a while. kids can't speak english because of slang here. sometimes you can't understand a damn word they say.

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Here's some slang terms in Thailand, some obviously derived from English:

GIK - a GF or BF on the side (here in Thailand, everyone has one or two other "giks" aside from their SO)

CHILL-CHILL - describes a place or sitution to mellow or relaxed (this term pronounced "shew-shew" is an evolution of the Thai word "sabai-sabai")

PRC - used around the ex-pat community to describe something "ghetto" as in "she/that is so PRC" (term is derived from "Peoples' Republic of China")

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  Analyst said:

PRC - used around the ex-pat community to describe something "ghetto" as in "she/that is so PRC" (term is derived from "Peoples' Republic of China")

I'm going to start using this one and not tell anyone what it means. Although if anyone ever does they'll probably just assume I'm a racist.

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In the bay area, (California of course) we use:

hella (a lot)

crunk (shitfaced/drunk/ etc.)

scraper (ghetto ass car most likely a oldsmobile with 21's that scrapes when it goes up a ramp)

kick it (hang out)

too many.

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  haptronic said:
...for africa = a big amount

as in she has style for africa... so much that you can aford to give some to the children in africa who are probably more deserving...

not new but i think it was nz only...

Damn. I'm jacking that one.

This thread is fucking delicious... my vernacular lightbulb is going off like crazy...

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some words i've picked up along the way:

herb = a derogatory term for any young man that listens to music such as Nickelback a and has no sense of style. Or anyone you feel like deriding

fit = hot, sexy - refering to a female

bird = a female

ish = the way to say shit around your parents so they don't get mad at you

obviously - an emphatic response indicating agreement as in: "That bird was fit, kid." => "Obviously, son!"

Natty = a natural looking, earthy-type chick as in: "That bird was looking natty, son"

Git Rit = an alcoholic beverage as in: "Pick me some of that git rit down at the corner, kid"

Foolish = a noun, someone acting stupid as in: "Dude, your new Nikes are wack, man" => "Shut up, foolish"

Daddy Warbucks = a noun, a male holding a lot of that johnny cash

Money Grip = same as above

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Philladelphia - Jawn (A person, place or thing) ie-"Them jawns are tight" meaning those shoes are nice

Chicago - Joe (Man, dude) ie-"Man joe, I just hit a sweet lick over there on madison. Just got 2 pair of MJ 4's for $70 a pair" meaning Hey man, I just got a great deal on Madison street. I just purchased two pairs of Air Jordan 4 sneakers from a man on the street for $70

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Haha, this is a good thread. I'm from NYC but go to school in CT, so lemme see what slang I can dig up from over here that hasn't already been posted yet ..

Tough - same type of slang that ill or dope is used for. I hear most ppl saying it in regards to a girl, clothing, or music. Like, "That broad is tough". "That new Ghostface is tough."

Gwap - Money. "Gotta get that gwap."

Saucy - Drunk. "We gettin saucy tonight?"

Gut - To fuck. "Did you gut that bitch?" (The only kid I know that would say this was from North Carolina, heard it from him a couple years ago. But it was such a funny term it always stayed in my head.)

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juiced, sauced, saucy - drunk

what the fidididuh - what the fuck, whats your deal, etc

p - pronounced like "puh", used in place of peace

figgadeal - i dont even know what it means, we stole it from state prop 2

p and fidididuh are the big ones with me and my other hyperslangtalking duke lately

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peach/peaches - hot girl/girls

strig - hot girl

sippy - drunk eg getting sippy tonight?

boozey - same as sippy

loisht - anything good. girls, cars, clothes etc. eg that bird (girl) is so loisht.

louie - same as loisht

pewce - anything shit. eg she is so pewce

pewie - same as pewce

crook - same as pewce, pewie

bearded - when youre excited about something. eg: im so bearded over that new shirt.

frothing - same as bearded

d-grader - someone uncool.

wheels - shoes.

rides - jeans. eg check out these new rides. pretty louie uh?

t-o - tshirt

trillet - eating food. eg lets go get a trillet. im starving

sloth - sitting round doing nothing. eg not up to much today, probably just sloth on the couch

soothe - same as sloth

slumming it - not caring about your appearance. eg cant be fucked puttin on good clothes. ill just slum it.

tins - alcohol. eg come down the pub for tin

in ruins - too drunk/hungover eg. got so sippy last night. im in ruins today

from western australia

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  superdupersang said:

bumba clatt- derogatory term with a south london/jamacan origin, orginally meaning a used tampon as in blood clot

I always thought this was claat, i know of bomba claat but am more familiar with rass claat ( where rass is prince? correct me if i'm wrong) and the claat is just clot

I thought the bomba was foolish

colloquialisms change from day to day though, maybe it's just an area difference, oh this was from the midlands in england (B'ham, Nott's up to Sheffield)

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urban dictionary is one of my favourite sites...but alas so many words form here are undefined or end up at the bottom of the list...

out of it meaning wasted...but also meaning anything unusual...so common where i used to live that everyone had different ways of saying it...and eventaully we said elephant or conterfeit to say the same thing...

on to it means intelligent or smart...can be used for a person or an idea...

flash meaning expensive or exclusive sometimes good

budget means the opposite of that cheap or bad sometime shortened to budge

cabbage is used for cannibis leaf [rather than bud] and is in wider usage to mean anything sub par..

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  JBee said:
  superdupersang said:

bumba clatt- derogatory term with a south london/jamacan origin, orginally meaning a used tampon as in blood clot

I always thought this was claat, i know of bomba claat but am more familiar with rass claat ( where rass is prince? correct me if i'm wrong) and the claat is just clot

I thought the bomba was foolish

colloquialisms change from day to day though, maybe it's just an area difference, oh this was from the midlands in england (B'ham, Nott's up to Sheffield)

could be the regional thing

ive heard of raas clot but dont know what it means.

and i think ali g had somehting to do with the propagation of these terms into areas other than london

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