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Do You like Larry Clark?(do you like stoopid documentaries?)


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is this kids? I liked kids! it shows the struggle suburban otaku limited shiny japanese clothing collectors such as myself and A.L. went through growing up in the grimy streets, BLAD

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Yeah. Larry Clark is a hardcore creep.

On a semirelated note, I never understood how Telly got so much pussy. His teeth were all over the place, he had a dumb voice, and his swag was basically non existant.

'I think if we were to fuck, you would love it.' & in regards to pregnancy 'When you're with me, you don't have to worry about that shit.'

I need to try those lines. Maybe he did have swag after all.

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I think larry did a really bad job at emulating "skater kids". The Bouncing Souls are lame.

It's pretty obvious that larry doesn't care about the culture. He just wanted to make a racy movie with father son incest and presumably underage kids having sex... I've always have been disappointed to the amount of drugs in the movie. A couple scenes of kids smoke weed and that is it, no cocaine fueled sex, kids selling themselves for a hit of crack, no adolescent heroin addictions... no witty plot.

It feels like larry made the movie just so he could jack off to it later, or something.

Didn't our naughty-movie mastermind Harmony write it though? Maybe he is to blame.

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you guys are missing the point of his films, me thinks. id say bully was a misstep, but kids was incredible. and wassup rockers was really good despite some of the worst acting ive ever seen in a film.

i think hes good at capturing the hopelessness of youth in his films. ive yet to see ken park in full but i intend to. and i agree with the guy in this doc that said that clark is significant simply for the fact that hes stayed relevant through many youth countercultures. i dont really think he needs to care about the culture, as long as he can document it without exploiting it for commercial appeal, i think hes done his job as a film maker.

and i also thinks its really sad to watch harold in this doc because he ended up dying the same way his friends did and you can kinda tell he saw it coming but was trying to escape it. and it sucks they tagged him as gonz. weak.

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thanks for the link, just watched this. Weird that the tags are all wrong for some of the people in it.

also well said NESK, i think people who say Kids is overrated aren't taking the movie past the face level..

the film is really a coming of age story but i think it shows the divide between the adult world and the world that kids losing their inncence are living in.. I also think his movies capture this unique voyueristic feel that doesnt seem forced

i need to see ken park for sure

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  • 5 months later...

i saw "whats up rockers" i was really creep out by the intro....where the lensejust focus on the half naked kid for like 10 minutes.....it was weird.

kids wasn't that great of a movie either. i dont know how harold hunter is so famous, like whats so cool about him?? so what he act in a movie...i just dont get it.

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i had a really tuff time with kids when it first came out. it was too much like the people i was growing up with and i really didnt like that there was a movie that was supposed to be about the downfalls of that lifestyle that was glorified by the exact kind of kids it was warning against. the summer all my friends saw that movie was probably the hardest time i ever had dealing with my surroundings because a) i was experiencing my group of friends growing up way too fast and getting into shit they were not mature enough to handle and B) i couldnt tell if they were doing it because it was a natural thing or if they were trying to be like the people in this 'cool' movie. either way, i fucking hated this film because it hit too close.

when i watched it again a couple years ago i fucking loved it because its an honest examination of how stupid kids will act to be cool. the fact that it inspires further stupidity isnt the films fault its the audiences fault. its quite brilliant in that sense too because it sort of predicts all that shit.

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