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I don't understand why everyone's dissing RECKON. I peeped thier shop on Eldridge...heat!


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oh my god you can't be serious, reckon and recon are two completely different words and brands.

--- Original message by emrinder on Jul 8, 2005 10:44 AM

Or are they (different Words, not brands)

"Oh, and in you omnipotent entomology, I'm sure you know both the history of reckon (which is actually slang), and Recon, which is a military abbreviation of reconnaissance. LOOK IT UP DUMBASS! They actually both come from the same fucking word: recognize.

And before you think you know that the definition of reckon is estimate or compute, suppose, or whatever you think it is, all those definitions basically mean to recognize.

And you can keep saying the same thing again and again, it's a really good look for you."

thats from blanc0 or somethign like that

i am thoroughly intimidated

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My love for you is like a truck, Berserker

Would you like some making fuck, Berserker

My love for you is like a rock, Berserker

The Berserker is just so obscene

Likes evil people you know what I mean

He takes your soul and then just rips you apart

He'll steal your heart

Would you like to smoke some pot, Berserker

My love for you is ticking clock, Berserker

Would you like to suck my cock, Berserker

Would you like some making fuck, Berserker


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