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^previous level Jerry Springer shit en espanol. Want to neg for making me watch that.

on the other hand...

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to NatseOklim again.

Who's the artist? That has the sort of psychedelics-inspired linework I really like. Where to kop?

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^previous level Jerry Springer shit en espanol. Want to neg for making me watch that.

on the other hand...

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to NatseOklim again.

Who's the artist? That has the sort of psychedelics-inspired linework I really like. Where to kop?

Jeral Tidwell

The sold out already according to his website, I want one too :(


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^ wow i was just about to post that...absolutely surreal.


had to do more research on this..

Progeria (also known as "Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome"[1]) is an extremely rare genetic condition where symptoms resembling aspects of aging are manifested at an early age. About 1 in 8 million babies are born with this condition, and most affected children usually die at around age 13, although many have been known to live into their late teens and early twenties. It is a genetic condition, but occurs as a new mutation (sporadically) and is not usually inherited, although there is one unique form of the condition identified in only one family in the world that is inherited from parents who carry the protein genetically. In this case, five children in the family had the condition. This is in contrast to another rare but similar premature aging syndrome, dyskeratosis

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