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What the hell do you do when clothes aren't cool anymore?


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I just looked in my closet and realized the vast majority of the clothes that I have will only be "cool" for another two years, meaning that I will continually be buying clothes...while I have no problem with this idea (can't be young forever, etc. etc.), what does one do with all these older clothes that nobody wants to wear anymore? Do you guys just keep them in the closet and reminisce, donate, destroy, or what?

Forgive me if this is a supershopper thread, the guidelines are murky.

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Stay away from fads and invest in stuff that's timeless.

For example, Hoodies, M65 coats, Pea Coats, etc. are never going out of style. They just get influenced by the current trends. Right now, you see a lot of military-influenced stuff out there. I try to stay away from that, for example if I go to H&M and want an M65 I'll get the black rather than the military color.

And jeans aren't going out of style any time soon, neither are basic sweaters and tons of other stuff.

Summary: Don't buy shit because of trends.

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Westside, I would say keep them then.

I think everyone is different and everyone's sense of trends and conformity is different. I bet some people will see you in those and think, "shit, those are cool" and others the opposite. But that shouldn't keep us from wearing something we love.

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Westside, I'm a super advocate of selling off anything you are capable of parting with as soon as you can. There are many reasons for this and I'll go through a few...

1) you don't want to look back in your closet every 1.5 years and think "man, why did I buy this?" or " I can't believe I wasted money on this POS!" If you had been diligently getting rid of stuff that no longer appeals to you, or stuff you don't wear as soon as you realize what was going on, that scenario will not happen and you will thank yourself in the future.

2) with the popularity of ebay and internet forums like sufu, honest market, etc. there is no excuse why you can't sell almost any one piece of clothing you own for at least $9.99 without shipping to someone else in this world. stuff that is not cool to you may be really cool to others, and money in the bank is a lot more versatile than keeping a pair of Bernhard Wilhelm trousers sitting in the closet collecting dust and taking up valuable closet space. The sooner you sell stuff the closer it will be to when it was made and usually that equals more interest and therefore higher prices. And I do not recommend selling everything you own for $9.99 each, that is just the minimum you should aim for each piece of clothing. If you can't even get that price for it, just donate it and know not to spend much or any money on the same type of clothing in the future.

3) it appears that good clothing for men are getting more expensive every year, yes it has some to do with inflation but also b/c the media has getting much better at marketing to men and getting them to open up their wallets to look good, if you think that you'll always be wanting a few expensive items from some designer every year, you'll need extra cash for sure and selling off your old clothes is much more satisfying than working overtime at your job.

anyways it is a combination of all three reasons that I try to sell anything I think I won't regret not having. In generall I'd say that 98 times out of 100, I never miss anything that I have sold to someone else, esp. if I got at least what I paid for it back in my hands. I hope this helps, also I do keep all the pictures of all the clothing that I have sold on ebay, and if the need arises I can look at them and have the memory of having owned that (but the few instances I did this, I never felt regret at getting rid of something, instead I always just felt happy that I no longer have those items I am looking at cluttering up my closet).

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sorta on/off topic, i made $400 off hardcore band shirts from my collection 99-04, sold to kids in germany, japan, etc etc. $10 shirts turned around and some terrible bands sold for $50+, rare band stuff got me super high return, like an American Nightmare sweatshirt.

anyway, i cut my closet down by 2/3 and most of it was compulsive show buys that i never wore.

i always try to keep in mind that they are just clothes, even if you get rid of them, that doesnt mean the memory goes away. and if you are so deeply nostalgic, take pictures of everything you've owned and keep track of it.

thats what ive done with all my guitar stuff. at one point i had 2 full stacks for bass and guitar, 5 guitars, and countless other shit, now im down to 1 bass 1 guitar and a vox ac30. i have pictures to remind me of that time, great memories of hunting stuff down at pawn shops, etc.

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  MiniW said:
Westside, I'm a super advocate of selling off anything you are capable of parting with as soon as you can. There are many reasons for this and I'll go through a few...

1) you don't want to look back in your closet every 1.5 years and think "man, why did I buy this?" or " I can't believe I wasted money on this POS!" If you had been diligently getting rid of stuff that no longer appeals to you, or stuff you don't wear as soon as you realize what was going on, that scenario will not happen and you will thank yourself in the future.

This is some good advice .. I'm learning my lesson from not doing this earlier. Having some trouble selling off some stuff that I don't wear anymore.

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  Servo2000 said:
Masturbate on your clothes, and then sell them.

It works for Terrence Koh, don't see why it couldn't work for you.

That guy cultivates a weird persona, did you read his "interview" with his art dealer (Peres) in a recent I-D issue?

about the OP: as long as they're still significant for you I'm pretty sure you'll keep wearing your clothes even if they aren't in vogue; 99% of the population doesn't care anyways and the rest wears stuff that is so out there that it's hard to situate it. This gets especially confusing when you consider subcultures that go in and out of fashion (70-80s NYC punker and their skinny jeans) but survive almost perenially in a form or another.

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I try not to allow fashion to dictate what I will wear. If I like the piece, then (barring some sort of revelation or evolution of personal style) I will continue to like it whether the general public likes it, or not. For instance, most people whom I know do not care for slim-ish jeans, suits, button-ups or ties, but I continue to wear them because they fit my physique and aesthetic. I have always liked this look, and draw inspiration from 60's era outfits. Most of my pieces are basic and classic, so they rarely look jarringly out of place or tacky.

However, I will indulge in something unique every once-in-a-while like a Band of Outsiders tie, or something unusual to spice up an outfit.

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  apocalypse later said:
Stay away from fads and invest in stuff that's timeless.

For example, Hoodies, M65 coats, Pea Coats, etc. are never going out of style. They just get influenced by the current trends. Right now, you see a lot of military-influenced stuff out there. I try to stay away from that, for example if I go to H&M and want an M65 I'll get the black rather than the military color.

And jeans aren't going out of style any time soon, neither are basic sweaters and tons of other stuff.

Summary: Don't buy shit because of trends.

This is one of those posts that appears to make sense at first, but is in fact completely useless.

  Tyler Durden said:
yeah, thats why i try to buy things taht can last forever, no gimmicks and fads for me.
  jabar said:
Stop buying into trends..just rock whatever you feel is dope.

And I want to squeeze my brains out with a table vise everytime some sucker makes comments like these two.

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