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Most painful way to die


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any death scene in saw 1,2 & 3 the worse ways to die imo. especially the rack in saw 3. watching a family member get tortured and killed...one that you actually love, anything involving slow removal of skin,nails, eyelashes.

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I think shitting one's-self inside-out would be a pretty bad way to go.

I think this is possible in space... and or near any-thing with vaccume.

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  denimdestroyedmylife said:
40 hrs/week; wife and two kids; suv; retirement; golf; crossword puzzles

choose life?


I'd have to say it would be having that fat pasty chick i hooked up with in college sit on you..

crushing your ribs so they puncture your inner organs, then having all of that stuff leak out

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  azan said:
constipation, is by far the worst.

"torture muthafuckas..torture....

I'll fuckin- I'll fuckin' sew yo' asshole closed, and keep feedin' you, and feedin' you, and feedin' you, and feedin' you"


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  • 1 year later...

i dont know why but i remember this thread as being worst, and not most painful ways to die, so ill post a worst.

today i was at teh aquarium and i was walking through that tunnel thats like being in the bottom of teh ocean. i was just thinking it would probably suck if an earthquake happened while i was down there, so first i would have gotten crushed by the falling glass panels and weight of the water, second teh sharks would flip out and attack and third i would probably drown. sorry sometimes i do have a fairly vivid imagination.

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ok , stabbed through with a burning hot iron pole, with the skin of your body being peeled off little by little, while watching your family being tortured to death, then being burned and stabbed repeatedly. finally, being pinned down on a metal slab while a pendulum like sword slowly cuts you up..

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almost drowned in a high school pool when I was a kid.

ironic now that I swim competatively in the same pool I almost drowned in lol....

when I was a kid in the diving pool (like 13 feet deep pool all around), my biggest fear was some fucking omega monster coming out and grabbing me or something. shit made me swim x200 faster. actually, still scared of that :(

can you imagine what it's like? suspend yourself 13 feet in the air and look down into a pit with GIANT SQUID MONSTERS


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