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Guest Airjamie

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Guest Airjamie

And im not talking beastforum erotic literature. Post funny, entertaining, fucked up, disgusting shit that has happened to you while fucking. Time to make superconfessional a little more work safe.

New thread name, same great shame.

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have you ever got with some chick who tries to stick her finger the last place you want it to go? this has happened to me a couple times recently

who fucking convinced them this was a good thing?

fwiw, i've never broached the subject with any dudes i know in person, so i don't know if it's common or what

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have you ever got with some chick who's tries to stick her finger the last place you want it to go? this has happened to me a couple times recently

who fucking convinced them this was a good thing?

Yeah... somebody needs to make a tv broadcast about that shit. I think they've watched too many fucked porn movies or read too many screwed up sex forums or maybe it was in some magazine. :confused:

Edit: Yes, cosmopolitan... ban that fucking thing.

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Guest Airjamie

Im pretty sure i tore the fuck out of a girls asshole once. A combination of what looked like bile, blood, and water was allover my dick when i pulled out and it was leaking allover the sheets. Im so glad she just left and didnt ask me to take her to the hospital or anything.

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i have this nasty habit of making chicks bleed because i fuck them for too hard and too long when i'm drunk. its really brutal when you wake up the next morning and there's blood all over your boxers/her sheets.

Does this happen when they are not virgins? Do you have a massive cock? Pics next to tape measure? Is this sex consensual?

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i have this nasty habit of making chicks bleed because i fuck them for too hard and too long when i'm drunk. its really brutal when you wake up the next morning and there's blood all over your boxers/her sheets.

Man, that's not from fucking them hard trust me... shit's not normal unless they're virgins. Or you fucked them in the ass while you were drunk, which wouldn't be that improbable.

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Guest Airjamie
Man, that's not from fucking them hard trust me... shit's not normal unless they're virgins. Or you fucked them in the ass while you were drunk, which wouldn't be that improbable.

Nah, you can totally tear the lining of her vagina. It isnt that abnormal actually.

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Im pretty sure i tore the fuck out of a girls asshole once. A combination of what looked like bile, blood, and water was allover my dick when i pulled out and it was leaking allover the sheets. Im so glad she just left and didnt ask me to take her to the hospital or anything.

poop dickkkkkkkkkkkkk

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Nah, you can totally tear the lining of her vagina. It isnt that abnormal actually.

Well, yeah... but you have to go pretty brutal.

I just can't imagine that it can happen every fucking time. Maybe Clopek is really some kind of beast...

Edit: Looked it up in Google, looks like it's different for each one... some chicks apparently bleed easily. Only happened once to me, so I assumed it to be abnormal, and I kicked her out after that anyway...

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its not every time, its happend a few times though...but i mean i'm hammered as shit and having sex for like 3 or 4 hours straight. there are some vaginas that just can't hack that shit.

no, my dick isn't huge...i'm like costanza really, stocky and powerful, but not very tall.

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not a sex story technically, but once at a blood brothers show a shitfaced complete stranger bi-girl with a crew cut stuck her hands down my pants and gave me one of her marlboro reds. i thought both were nice gestures and she looked cute for a girl with less hair than myself. then she got bellig with some guy next to her and the bouncer threw her out : /

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